LIVE Q+A, 4 Things About The BVA, and March Madness with Atty Carol Ponton and Matthew Hill

1 year ago

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Atty Matthew Hill
Atty Carol Ponton

00:00 - Intro
01:09 - On my Exit Exam, I had Ples Planus. Can I file a claim for this?
01:23 - Is your disability is static, can the VA request a exam?
01:40 - Camp Lejeune in 1962
02:17 - How can going to two CP Exams help with my claim and now appeal for Hypertension?
03:06 - I want to file for SMC (k) and SMC (l)
03:29 - I found out VA made a mistake on my claim
04:08 - Can CAD be linked to COPD and or GWP?
05:29 - If I alleged IBS in a prior claim in 2000 and VA did not address it
05:38 - If I claim Back condition, will VA include C-spine damage?
06:07 - Can Navy certified welders claim eye disease and chemical intake of fumes?
07:29 - 70% disabled PTSD. I am diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, do I need a Nexus?
08:23 - If I filed a claim within one year of discharge, do I still need medical evidence?
08:36 - Is it possible to avoid the pyramiding rule and exceed this?
10:06 - Just got 100% P&T from an appeal. Let them ride or cancel?
10:54 - Denied Sleep Apnea secondary to my SC’ed Rhinitis/Sinus, no Nexus per VES
11:45 - I have a number of claims denied
11:55 - Should I send in the old military records or just reference them?
12:16 - I had many problems with Optum, can I request a different referral service?
13:35 - Had a claim for 6 months and submitted a new claim last week.
13:55 - If I’m less that a year out, do I still need a Nexus for Sleep Apnea?
14:24 - Filed for “Acquired Psychiatric Disorder” instead of PTSD
16:39 - Do I need to submit an intent to file, before filing for UI?
16:47 - How does travel reimbursement work? Do I qualify only being 100 P&T?
17:07 - 100% TDIU based on Major Depressive Disorder plus Anxiety
17:29 - Can I submit Glaucoma secondary to Rhinitis under Allen Aggravation Theory?
18:24 - Can filing for SMC-K risk one’s 100 P%T? If filing secondary to meds and mental health?
19:06 - Vote for the team you want us to bet on in the poll above!
19:24 - With recent discovery that you have Sleep Apnea for years and not know it, Can I resubmit?
20:14 - 50% for Flat Feet, can I claim my ankle, knees, lower back and radiculopathy?
20:26 - I have a C&P Exam in two weeks, what should I expect from the exam?
21:56 - Just got 100% P&T last friday, 1.5 yrs of back pay also.
22:16 - Remands are returned, Does it have to return to the BVA whether granted or denied?
22:57 - I filed a claim for Fatty Liver and Knee increase
23:36 - Why is BVA process taking so long?
25:18 - Should you even go to the BVA?
29:27 - When you go to the BVA, which level do you pick?
34:40 - 70% PTSD, is my issues with GERD, TMJ, and Bruxism a good secondary?
34:51 - 90% disabled. Why is verifying employment so important?
35:24 - Should I file now or wait till the decisions are filed and rock the boat?
35:44 - How hard is to get Sleep Apnea secondary to PTSD?
36:01 - Do you know the General Council Opinion?
37:44 - Are you aware that the gov’t finally admitted use and storage of AO and other herbicides?
38:33 - I started submitting evidence in system said I had till 6/6/2022 to file, why?
39:25 - Page 188 of the 2022 NDAA report to Senate
40:36 - I can’t get them schedule me a C&P Exam to review my issues
42:05 - I’m 70, highest rating 30, can I get TDIU?
42:25 - I have a really bad Asthma, I have encouraged for the Pact Act, good idea to file?
42:48 - Anxiety Disorder since 2007
43:55 - Should I withdraw my BVA claim or let it go until hearing is scheduled?
44:32 - Connective Tissue Disorder
45:31 - Is a private Vocational Evaluator necessary or will help my claim for TDIU?
46:19 - Are any WAC getting benefits for ft McClellan Herbicide/Agent Orange?
46:44 - I’ve only been out for 6 months, Do I need a Nexus still for Sleep Apnea?
48:33 - I hope you two win a fortune in Vegas!
49:04 - Deviated Septum. Will I need any more of a Nexus to prove service connected?
49:33 - What steps should I take to get approved for 100% disability?
49:56 - “The Veterans Benefits Administration is correcting an error” Is this a good sign?
50:38 - Where can I send the letter from my supervisor with dates I’ve missed to try for the 50%?
51:13 - Filed TDIU for SC profound hearing loss & Tinnitus?
52:46 - Went from 50% to 90%, all information helped immensely.
53:00 - Can you work if you have 100% due to unemployability for over 20 years?
53:12 - ETS exit physical, they forgot to schedule. Given a Halp/Scuba in its place. Is that legal?
53:51 - Can you get a rating reduction if your 100% P&T?
54:39 - 50% Sinusitis criteria in my personal records with diagnostic code
55:36 - C-file shows me file 2010 never sent in 526ez never adjudicated.
56:14 - Will I get two separate ratings 50/30 or pyramiding?
57:04 - Is this not a Gulf War presumptive?

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