Gangs of America,Sight-illogical Soung-Illogical Warfare- Liars Cheats & Drag Queens OH MY!!

1 year ago

Family - values - roots -stability - honor -dignity -pride -respect

Discussing and going over data center information, cyber terrorism, theft, and more that the puppets or trained monkeys (field offices- ie. Switchbox Inc, Nuvox Communications, the dock, extended stay (ky), blue mile communications, great schools actual school locations that are vacant now, and probably were when Great Schools leased them, just filling them with "virtual lives " virtual reality people"  fake people but when looked up have virtually everything social media and identification documents. Talk about one one to rip off all aspects of government funding  voucher program 2. fake identities 3. low income government funding 4. section 8 apartments 5. election fraud 6. census fraud ( billions of $$$$ BILLIONS appropriated to go to certain areas based on population....Virtual Lives, fake identities .... millions I'm guessing... And they have been setting it up for decades.

Trained Monkeys-Human Drones-Slaves-iRobot

Hypnosis - Brain washing - Mind Control - reprogramming - Translucent Code - Apply AloeCalling out gang stalking & terrorist activities happening not only to me but 10k+ worldwide.

Targeted Individuals have already undergone “Havana Syndrome”.This secret society "secret government" has to end immediately.Able to broadcast their EMF broadcast email from life streams remote neural monitoring subliminal messaging etc.
Targeted individuals #remoteNeuralMonitoring #WarCrimes #sightillogicalsoundillogicalwarfare #CrimeoftheCentury #humandroneprogram # New World Order #prostitution #Covid #iamone #boeing # slavery #phoenixMedia #cyberwar #psywar #secretGovernment #MK-ultra #monica #MiTM #mindcontrol # secret Society #gaymafiaterroristcell # telco Fraud #justinGoines #RICO #warcrimes

The illegal activities that you hear about during this podcast are real and are occurring. MKultra provides (along with other hacked into system) this home grown terrorist cell way too much information.
*remote neuro link
*emf broadcasting VR
*yes the kidnappings are real
*yes I have tried to report-actually the US District attorneys office was informed about some of them ahead of time.
*yes this is a premeditated organized crime ring with all planned out ahead of time and worked over and over again throughout the world.
*yes they have kidnapped people from prisons, lied and impersonated law enforcement, attorneys, judges, etc.
**always know what’s going on never. Know when these people will cause you to lose your soul , and never be reunited back.
**lost souls - Hollywood flex spas-
Check out their playbook
Questions about that? Ask windstream Nuvox communications of Ohio, Gabriel communications, peerless communications, CORELOGIC, switch box Inc., Accuserve (they took kirks company and using it for money laundering) nick and brother jeff strickmeyer-Compton road. Also Jason, Darin’s ex boyfriend. He should know. What about the attempted murder of Bruce? How many people have they all killed using ghb manufactured off tylersvile rd? — David jay and his partner should know right!? Casey Findlay, Evan Evans-wait removed and sold for fighting against them. Ken aiko same. What about Tim Robinson, CURTIS MCDANIEL? Tim from Chicago and vince Mcarty? Sold Vince to arizona? Domains by proxy maybe? What about hacking google amazon Facebook

Columbus.. NEW SILICON VALLEY? WOW- widenopenwest. Threatening torturing and trying to command people- these guys got it down. oh yeah be sure to check out all the fraudulent names and identities on website.(where is josh smith ,David post) and my nephew JOSH WYATT. Brian Schaefer taken you the old Wolfe’s bar or taken by tim Wolfe? What about walrus? Strike! Doesn’t Alison or holly have anything to say about the details details details surrounding 65 1/2 smith place Kirk and stawns porn studio? Come on now

Home wreckers and Club20 shout out to you.
Latest podcast of communications with the cyber terrorist/ terrorist network “Gay Mafia” . Communications are being completed through their use of stolen military technology and stolen equipment and the illegal use of telephone cable and cellular networks as well

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