AZ GOP Chairman Reveals the Fix Was In for AZ House Representative Liz Harris

1 year ago

Another day... Another Uni-Party Traitor Exposed! Why are you here, AZ Republican Chairman Jeff DeWitt?

Does Jeff Dewitt know what Rule Harris is accused of violating? NO!!
Does Jeff Dewitt know that House Rule One is? NO!!
Does Jeff Dewitt want to know what House Rule One is? NO!!
Did Jeff Dewitt go ahead with the Vote to replace Rep Liz Harris without fully understanding the false accusations against Rep Liz Harris? YES!

Arizona Chairman Jeff DeWitt was quick on the trigger to be sure he set up a Precinct Committee meeting to replace Patriot GOP AZ House Representative Liz Harris after she was, what appears to be illegally, expelled from the AZ State House.

Speaking of illegal. DeWitt has no right to oversee any election the PC's hold. He has no oversight over the PC's. His job is to cooperate with the Counties on behalf of the Republican National Commitee. There is not even one PC in the Organization he Chairs! Why is he here?

The Only Rule that Rep Harris was falsely accused of violating was AZ House Rule One, which states a member "may be punished for disorderly conduct if the member fails to vote after areasonable time."

THERE WAS NO VOTE ON THE FLOOR! Hence, a Rule One violation did not occur!

This is another witch hunt and Republican Chairman Jeff Dewitt was complicit in the illegal and immoral expulsion of a duly elected Republican AZ State House Representative.

The Ethics Committee made the whole thing up! That's what they do here in AZ. They lie, lie and lie some more. However, We are here to expose them all!

What the the AZ Legislature has executed here was treasonous. They have an obligation to uphold the law and the Constitution. They did neither here.

Conact the AZ State Legislators and Demand a Reinstatement of Liz Harris. Liz Harris Violated NO RULES!

Please click here for phone numbers and emails for the AZ Legislature:

To read the House Rules, please click here:

GodBlessAmerica #RestoreOurConstitutionalRepublic #1Person1Vote

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With Liberty,

Gail Golec

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