WHERE DID SPRING GO? Abnormal Snowfalls in Europe & The United States. Freezing Rain in Canada

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APRIL 11, 2022
💥 KAMCHATKA: On the night of April 11, 2023, on the Kamchatka Peninsula, a powerful eruption of volcano Shiveluch began. Its activity gradually intensified and reached its maximum phase early in the morning. Ash rose to a height of 20 kilometers, and its plume stretched for hundreds of kilometers.

See the details in the new report of Breaking News.

⚠️ The nearest settlements were covered with ashes. The village of Klyuchi suffered the most, as there the height of the volcanic ash layer was about 8.5 (eight and a half) centimeters. This is the strongest ash fall in the area over the past 60 years.

🔴 The volcano has been assigned a red code of aviation danger. There remains a danger of mudflows.

Residents of several continents faced a sharp cold snap and an abnormal amount of snowfall in mid-spring.

APRIL 5–7, 2023
🌀 CANADA: Since April 5, 2023, freezing rain, thunderstorms and strong winds have hit Canada's most populous PROVINCES of ONTARIO & QUEBEC. Trees falling under the weight of the ice damaged cars and power lines, leading to power outages for more than a million people. Sadly, the elements took lives.

APRIL 3–4, 2023
🌀 UNITED STATES: An unprecedented snowstorm in WYOMING dumped a record 40 years of snow on CASPER. Roads were closed from Wyoming to the Dakotas, including sections of interstate highways.

❄️ BALKAN PENINSULA: Unusual winter weather swept across the Balkans in early April. The Balkans reported heavy snowfalls and a cold snap in SERBIA, BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA, KOSOVO and ROMANIA.

An abnormally cold cyclone did not bypass other countries of the mainland. In particular, reports of late cold or heavy snowfalls came from ITALY, FRANCE, UKRAINE, TURKEY and MOLDOVA.

This phenomenon once again confirmed that the climate is changing rapidly. If you look even more broadly, climate change is manifesting itself differently around the world: somewhere with more frequent and more destructive earthquakes, somewhere with massive floods, and somewhere with extreme drought or extreme temperature spikes.

🌎 Our channel "Climate Crisis" covers global problems of humanity: cataclysms, cataclysms of the week, climate change, global warming, climate, cataclysms today, natural disasters, disasters, natural cataclysms, storm, flood, heat wave, glacier melting, global climate change, drought, earthquake, warming, fires, record snowfall, mudslide, tornado, heat wave, flooding flood, tsunami, what is happening to the world.

Time Is Running Out. The greatest event in history will take place on April 22, 2023, @15:00 GMT at the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. There Is a Way Out"
🌐 https://youtu.be/67ljnOmwHC0

👉 "Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity" | International Online Forum November 12, 2022

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