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Final Fantasy © Square Enix. The Material Usage Policy is not uniform across all Final Fantasy Games, and is taken on a game by game basis as determined by © Square Enix. It took me a long time to figure out if I could even do a stream of the Final Fantasy games, and there are restrictions, but none that should stop me from playing them. Permission is given to use the game if a fully functional legally owned, unaltered, copy of the game is used and it is made clear that whoever is doing such a thing post the "© Square Enix" bit to let everyone know they don't own any rights to the game and are not affiliated in any way with the company that made the game. That should be a given at this point, but whatever, that's their user agreement, so here it is: "I don't own this game or any rights to it and am in no way affiliated with © Square Enix. I'm just a grumpy old man playing video games and drinking coffee in my living room in my pajamas."

© Square Enix
© Square Enix
© Square Enix

I never played the original. I played 7 on PC, lost interest and never beat it, and I played the 3d remake of 3, also on PC, also lost interest and never beat it. So this will be my first experience with this game. There is a remake available for FF 1-6 on Steam, but they changed things, and I think the people who want to see me play this game will want to see it in it's original form. I am playing the NES version of the game on my original NES.

Picking up where I left off in RS:35.

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