Ten Signs Your Church Has Incorporated The New Age Into Their Worship Services-NTEB-MARCH 10 2023

1 year ago

When churches get off the King James Bible, and when they stop preaching and teaching Bible doctrine, a certain type of spiritual hole is created, one that will absolutely be filled by something. Why will people not endure sound doctrine? Because sound doctrine makes too little of you, and too much of Jesus Christ, and your flesh absolute rejects that paradigm. What happened to the scribes and pharisees when they watched Jesus perform miracles? It drove them insane. Is your church already embracing the New Age with things like the Enneagram? Let's take a look and see.

"And they were filled with madness; and communed one with another what they might do to Jesus." Luke 6:11 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, in thousands of churches across America and around the world, the Jesus of the Bible has taken a 'back seat' to the universal Jesus of the New Age. Very little scripture is used, old-fashioned Bible preaching is virtually non-existent, an over-emphasis on the Holy Spirit is made, and of course, there is enough music to make make Woodstock look like a street corner musician. Now you might be tempted to say "that's not happening in my church!", but you just might be very surprised how much of the New Age is already present. Today on the Prophecy News Podcast, we look at ten New Age things that are absolutely part of the occult, to see not "if", but to see how many of these things are in your church right now. Christian, even if your church has none of the things on our list today, it is a guarantee that you know someone whose church is doing these things, and it will be up to you to warn them. All this and much more on the podcast today!

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