'Dear Bryan Cranston': Jason Whitlock Exposes ‘Breaking Bad’ Star | How the NBA Went Soft | Ep 390

1 year ago

Bryan Cranston was the star of one of the most successful television franchises of the last 25 years. Recently, the "Breaking Bad" star sat down with CNN’s Chris Wallace for an interview that turned into a rant about the phrase “Make America Great Again.” The actor believes that slogan to be a covertly racist “dog whistle." He challenges anyone who dares wear a MAGA hat to answer his question: “When was America ever great for African-Americans?” Jason Whitlock has an answer for him right now. “America is and has been the safest, most prosperous, most opportunity-rich land for black people for the last 60 years. That’s why Africans and other black people from around the globe choose to relocate here. They want what I experienced in the 1970s, '80s, '90s, and 2000s: freedom and opportunity derived from the greatest constitution ever written.” Jason points out the hypocrisy of the “Make America Great Again” slogan: Donald Trump wasn’t the first president to use those words as a part of a campaign. “Fearless” contributors Delano Squires and Royce White share their thoughts on Cranston's accusations of racism. Plus, Jason and Steve Kim discuss how Adam Silver has ruined the NBA and whether Chicago should stick with Justin Fields or cash in the #1 overall pick for Alabama’s Bryce Young.

#jasonwhitlock #fearless #blazetv #bryancranston #breakingbad #walterwhite #MAGA #makeamericagreatagain #NBA #nfldraft #delanosquires #roycewhite #stevekim

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Visit https://www.fearlessarmyrollcall.com to get your tickets! See you at RocketTown in Nashville, TN | 04/15/23

00:00 Intro
14:35 'Roll Call'
17:48 Professor Delano Squires
38:45 Royce White: Morpheus
58:27 Steve Kim: The Korean Cosell

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