This Week in Tyranny - Episode 12

1 year ago

Militarizing The World and the Tyranny of War:
Joe Biden and Andrzej Duda addressed the world in Warsaw, invoking the Warsaw Uprising and Solidarity in attempt to garner support for the Proxy War with Russia in Ukraine.

This Week in Tyranny:
A weekly show about authoritarianism, government overreach, and global injustice. You can find this episode along with all others at The Freedom Current
If tyranny is not at your doorstep, it's because there is someone in the street keeping it at bay.

Episode 12 – February 25th, 2023

The military that fought the Nazis and Soviets, is not the same military that is mobilizing alongside American troops in Eastern Europe today. Armia Krajowa, the Home Army, was truly a force for liberty in those days. Today, the Polish military is a lap dog for the western power structure, for the United States military, which in itself is a lap dog for the Global Occult Ruling Class, all 3 aspects of it- the bloodline royalty, international bankers, and satanic priest subclasses. These boys and girls with guns shouldn’t fool themselves. You don’t fight against the Putins, you work for them.

Duda speaks about “Ojczyzna”
The Polish Fatherland.. What he means is nationalism. The State- that is who the military defends, not people and families and individual property. Nationalism is a destroyer of freedom. It is not the red and white that makes you Polish. It is not the red, white, and blue that makes you American. It’s the moral fabric, individual responsibility, respect for yourself as well as your neighbor; That’s what makes a true American, a real Polak.

Biden said a few weeks ago the state of the Union is strong. In Warsaw, he said NATO is strong, that democracy is growing stronger. What he means is the institutions of authority in the western world are growing stronger. Meanwhile, the iron grasp of Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin is growing stronger- thanks to the west’s aggressive rhetoric. The end result is: global slavery is growing stronger.

Tyranny of War:

War is a byproduct of government. Not human existence or human nature. Conflict over property, or Natural-Law self-defense against an act of aggression, is resolved through a fight, duel, or battle. But not War. War is a satanic covenant, an agreement made between rulers to resolve a dispute through blood sacrifice. What’s worse, often these modern-day rulers, political and military authority figures of different nations, have no real conflict. As people die in the streets and fields, behind closed doors they shake hands, whether that is figuratively or literally. They engage in war because it ultimately helps advance both their aims. War always assists the creation of Slavery, and never assists the people in achieving Freedom. Flags and anthems are for controlling the masses. The rulers know, their war is not really with Putin, or Jinping, or Biden, or Zelensky, their long war is against their people, who hold the power to remove them. And our enemy, is authority itself.

On top of war being a blood sacrifice by the satanic, ruling priest-class, the war of United States against Russia, through the proxy of Ukraine, provides an increase in military presence to prepare to put down potential upheavals in the Eastern European region. As China becomes more involved in assisting Russia, this will militarize the Indo-Pacific region as well. When the war is over, the military presence, weapons, and infrastructure will not leave those places. It will remain there, ready to be activated. And history has shown, that while in the beginning, soldiers may fight back a very real external threat, they soon begin fulfilling the role of a global policeman. We are seeing the progression and formation of the global police state.

The Tyranny of War is one of the Tyrant’s most powerful tools. Because while the solutions to the problems humanity faces lie in the free exchange of information, understanding of principles, and adherence to moral principles, that all goes out the window when someone is pointing a gun at you. All of humanity needs healing, but Tyranny is a societal sepsis, and those who occupy and invade others, are a global gangrene, at which point amputation becomes necessary. So, as we put the saw to our own limb, the political, economic, and religious leaders sit back and watch their power increase. Authority’s threats are the philosophers, the healers, the visionaries. Authority’s protectors are police and military men, as well the dictators and mass murders they quarrel with. In an economic crisis, the rich get richer; as the people lose their homes and jobs, the wealthy can acquire property for cheap. In a military crisis, the dominators become more dominant. Every bomb and tank sent to the front lines, every soldier carrying them, is one fewer armed defender in the home of their family, where the weapons and true warriors belong.

Hosted by Konrad Rogoz

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