10 Examples Of Media Deception and Fake News

1 year ago

Americans understand that people in other countries may be propagandized through government information and state controlled media outlets.
However, many falsely assume that because we have the first amendment and the appearance of a relatively free and competitive marketplace, that our news media cannot be under similar control and used for spreading propaganda.
But the reality is that America today has the greatest propaganda empire in world history. Through government influence on news agencies, Hollywood films studios, the music industry, and more, propaganda is able to be spread to the public on a wide scale as news, education, and entertainment.
We watch movies and television shows and think they are showing us fiction.
We watch news on the same screens that we watch our entertainment, and think they are showing us reality. But if you merely trusted what you were shown, how would you ever know if your news was fiction?
Media outlets depend on their large corporate sponsors for their salaries. They have to say what their sponsors approve of if they want to keep their jobs. These large corporations work hand in hand with the government in aligning their narrative, through organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, to work towards common goals politically and economically.
The majority of the human population, believing what they are shown and told by governments and large corporate media outlets, under presumptions of authority and credibility, are misled into an entirely false reality to keep them scared, outraged, divided, and controlled.
Here are ten random examples of media deception.

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