World Government Forum Exposed + Real Education and Defeating Cultural Marxism | Liberty Hour Ep. 18

1 year ago

The World Government Summit in Dubai this week brought together heads of state, dictators, CEOs, to plot an accelerated push for globalism, warned Alex Newman in this week's episode of Liberty Hour on AMP.

Also in this episode, Alex interviews Classical Conversations CEO Robert Bortins about why education should be parent-led and Bible-centered.

He also interviews Agenda documentary filmmaker and former lawmaker Curtis Bowers, who breaks down cultural Marxism, the war against America, and what YOU can do about it.

In news, the World Government Summit, this year under the banner of “Shaping Future Governments,” covered a wide range of topics, including artificial intelligence, climate change, health care and education.

Twitter and Tesla boss Elon Musk was there, and warned of “civilizational risk” from globalism and too much cooperation between governments.

In other World Government Summit news, Klaus Schwab says those who master technology vil become ze master of ze vorld.

Just a few years ago the World Government Summit erected a replica arch of Baal

Speaking of diabolical World Government, UN "experts" plan to visit US to address police brutality after death of Tyre Nichols. “We have called on authorities to ensure prompt accountability and reparation,” said Tracie Keesee, member of the Independent Expert Mechanism to Advance Racial Justice and Equality in the context of Law Enforcement (EMLER), in a news release.

Meanwhile, UN probe on origins of China virus is basically dead because ChiComs won't cooperate.

House Republicans are now investigating instead: Rep. Wenstrup & Rep. Comer Launch First Select Subcommittee Investigation into COVID Origins and U.S. Taxpayer Dollars Funneled to the Wuhan Lab. They are asking top Biden officials, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the president of EcoHealth Alliance provide information.

Congressman Thomas Massie re-introduced HR 899 to shutdown US Dept of Education. The bill is one sentence: “The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2023.”

Also in Kentucky: Revival at Asbury College? A lot of people think so. Also some shady characters trying to attach themselves to it. Let’s watch carefully.

Massive chemical spill in Ohio, reporter arrested. Images and reports are frightening. Authorities are telling people that it’s fine to stay home, and at this point, since we know they lie about pretty much everything, serious questions. Several other trains derailed in Texas, South Carolina. What’s going on?

Trans Secretary Buttigeg did not mention massive chemical danger in Ohio this week but did have time to complain about too many white guys at construction sites—among most dangerous job in America.

Even weirder, a 2022 movie called White Noise was about a train derailing in Ohio and a massive chemical spill forcing people to evacuate. We have the clip.

We shouldn’t be surprised when feds are more worried about racism and climate then infrastructure. Pervert John Podesta brags about how they duped Americans into the biggest ever “climate bill” by calling it inflation reduction act.

On the positive side, just a tiny fringe still believes the liars. AP reports on Gallup poll released yesterday showing that more than half of Americans think the national media is deliberately trying to misinform. Most of the others suspect that, with less than one in 4 not believing the media is deliberately lying to us.

Speaking of government lies, The Epoch Times reports on the world's first unvaccinated dating site, Unjected, launching in Hawaii. Apple previously cancelled it, and Google was going to as well. Over 100,000 users already. Co-founder said “Unjected” is more than a dating service for the unvaccinated. It’s also a blood bank database and a fertility bank for the unvaccinated.

Also in the Epoch Times is my story: After Scandal, Schools Use ‘Witch’ to Address LGBT Issues: You won't believe this incredible story!

Democrat lawmaker Representative Erin Healy claims nuclear family is unamerican and extreme. On Twitter, she wrote: "Extremist group Family Heritage Alliance said this morning that the safest place for kids are in families that have a married mom and dad. What a dangerous and un-American belief."

Idaho MassResistance activists take up all the seats at Drag Queen show in local library. Library director tried to order them to leave, but they refused. So the Drag Queen read LGBT children’s stories to the adults!

American teen girls are experiencing record high levels of sadness and violence, according to a new report published this week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Almost 6 in 10 reported feeling “persistently sad or hopeless” over the past year in 2021, up from 36% a decade earlier. Almost 1/3 of teen girls said they had seriously considered attempting suicide, up from 19% in 2011, the report found.

Carrie Madej posted this online from Detroit. She said: “My home state of Michigan has this in Detroit along with baphomet and the satanic temple. Dark occultic Portals and Stonehenge like structures. Put on the full Armour of God ✨ for we battle powers and principalities! Does anyone else see this in their area?

Other crazy Michigan news: MI State Shooter Had Prior Felony Gun Charge Dismissed By Progressive Soros Prosecutor: Ingham County prosecutor Carol Siemon ended mandatory sentencing for felony firearm charges in the name of ‘race equity.'

Former US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley formally launched her presidential bid this week, drawing laughs and shrugs nationwide. Roger Stone posted on Twitter that he could not stop laughing. She’s polling around 3%, with Trump still dominating.

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