Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts: WHO Backs Down! (But The WHO Power Grab Is Not Over Yet)

1 year ago

Shocking WHO Pandemic Treaty Update

In a rare win, the World Health Organisation has backed down on proposed International Health Regulation amendments for compulsory vaccination and lockdowns. It is a win yet the pandemic treaty, that would do the same thing again, is still waiting in the wings.


This week represents a rare victory for Australian sovereignty.

A victory for common sense, decency and humanity.

And a victory against the sprawling monster of unelected, unaccountable foreign bureaucrats at the World Health Organisation.

You will recall the WHO proposed to change their health regulations that guide member states in the event of a disease outbreak, like COVID, from guiding member states to being mandatory on member states, including Australia.

This would have represented a complete destruction of Australian sovereignty, and a fundamental re-imagining of the powers of the World Health Organisation.

Last December the Liberal/National Morrison Government voted in favour of these changes, yet many sensible countries voted against, and the proposal was lost.

Undaunted the World Health Organisation tried again this year.

After months of heavy criticism, One Nation and those opposing these measures have had a big win.

The Final Report from the International Health Regulations Review Committee released this week has dropped the proposed changes.

The World Health Organisation will remain an advisory body.

Dystopian demands, such as allowing the World Health Organisation to make binding health orders overriding state and federal control, have been thrown out.

This includes the proposed powers that would have allowed the WHO to control:

• systems for proof-of-vaccination or vaccination status,

• quarantine procedures,

• citizen travel & mobility,

• forced vaccination,

• lockouts,

• lockdowns,

• mandatory detention and,

• other unacceptable infringements on people.

Gone is the universal ‘health passport’ – or vaccine passport – that was going to control the ability of citizens to travel between countries in a permanent capacity.

It was decided that this would raise ‘ethical’ and ‘discriminatory’ concerns. A global digital vaccine passport will no longer be developed under the committee’s powers.

For now.

The committee will remain confined to actual public health emergencies rather than ‘potential health risks’ – removing the widely held fear that their scope could be extended to ‘climate lockdowns’ and other human rights abuses.

Which would have been possible because WHO had proposed to remove human rights from the regulations.

After a backlash the committee now strongly recommends the retention of the existing text, which is quote “full respect for the dignity, human rights, and fundamental freedoms of persons as an overarching principle”.

This is a critical back down.

The WHO committee working on these changes has just recommitted to its fundamental human rights pledge in defiance of the proposed amendments.

The findings of the committee agreed with the concerns that One Nation raised regarding threat to sovereignty.

In their final report, the committee said that it was, quote: “concerned that the proposals may unduly impinge on the sovereignty of state parties” and make recommendations “binding” instead of voluntary.

In the end, the committee validated the fears raised on the international stage and within the free press.

Fears I raised and for which I was called a conspiracy theorist.

I was correct.

Their decision to throw out this attempt to grab power from sovereign governments is a crucial first step in stopping unelected global bureaucracies from overstepping their purpose.

Pauline Hanson first raised the UN’s treasonous work in parliament in 1996. In my first senate speech in 2016 I called for Australia to exit the UN – AusEXIT.

We’ve been so strongly outspoken against ceding Australian sovereignty to the unhinged UN-WEF alliance that the WEF recently specifically called us out.

We’re getting under their skin.

This fight is not over.

All of the terrifying proposed powers that have been summarily rejected this week, are duplicated in the proposed WHO Pandemic Treaty.

The Pandemic Treaty is a second attempt to turn WHO into the world health police.

The Pandemic Treaty is alive and well, sitting in the system waiting for our “leaders” to signed.

If the Pandemic Treaty were to be approved, it would enforce all of the binding health powers that others in WHO have just rejected. What a mess.

The World Health Organisation is too big, too bureaucratic, too removed from the people it is supposed to help, corrupt, incompetent, dishonest and above all else, too close to the Pharmaceutical industry.

The next step to protect Australia’s health sovereignty is to make sure that the Pandemic Treaty is rejected and that the Prime Minister does not sign it.

For concerned Australians who have written to their members of parliament and who received a stock reply saying the treaty has to go through Parliament first – that is actually not true.

The WHO Pandemic Treaty includes a provision that it becomes binding on Australia the moment our WHO representative signs it.

No Parliamentary oversight required.

Screw that.

One Nation’s work continues.

See Also:

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts: The World Health Organization's Dictator-Style Power Grab


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