Michael Johns: The WEF Great Reset: A Coordinated Assault on America’s Vital Institutions

1 year ago


Michael Johns discusses the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the “Great Reset”
In this captivating and vital episode, Booker is joined by Michael Johns, one of the conservative movement’s most influential and effective leaders and experts, who explains the history and agenda of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Geneva-based elite membership organization, and its so-called “Great Reset” agenda, which is actively engaged in nothing less than restructuring just about every American institution in ways aligned with the globalist and progressive agenda.

Michael explores the role WEF has played to date in leading an assault on energy production in the United States and Europe and how it has refused to similarly target the world’s largest producer of carbon-based emissions, China, whose emissions are the world’s highest, currently exceeding that of both the U.S. and the European Union combined.

WEF Pressuring Corporations away from Profitability
Michael also describes how WEF has quietly but effectively gone about pressuring the largest corporations in the U.S. and Europe, including nearly every S&P 500 corporation, to restructure the purpose of companies in the 21st agenda away from growth, profitability, and job creation to a very differing and hugely subjective role of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) in which companies are held to account only by their contributions to the betterment of the environment, so-called “stakeholders” (never fully defined by WEF), and corporate governance goals aligned with the global progressive agenda, not corporate performance, customer satisfaction, growth, or any of the traditional measurements used to historically to assess a company’s performance. As with its radical agenda against traditional energy sources, however, WEF has forced this agenda on U.S. and European companies but not companies in China. By default, the result has been to tilt the competitive advantage for global economic leadership in China’s favor, which Michael argues now represents not just an economic threat but a national security crisis.

Plutocracy and Plutocratic Agenda
Michael argues that WEF is advancing a plutocracy and plutocratic agenda that must be resisted in a universal and strategic manner. WEF leaders, Michael reminds us, have been elected by no one and are ultimately accountable to no one. Yet, they have succeeded in imposing their alien and elitist agenda on important U.S. institutions because the American conservative movement and its leaders, who have been well-funded to date, have failed to engage pro-actively in stopping this threat to our most vital institutions. The time has come, Michael argues, for American conservatives and patriots to hold its own conservative leaders accountable, demanding holistic leadership, strategic, and operational changes necessary so the movement can begin rolling back WEF-led gains and other assaults on our institutions in a strategic, collaborative, and united way. He concludes that America’s conservative movement was once successful and influential but that its leaders are not being held to account and have been dodging some of the most significant challenges to American liberty and sovereignty in the nation’s history for at least a decade.

Michael Johns, Co-founder of the U.S. Tea Party movement
Michael Johns is co-founder of the U.S. Tea Party movement, the largest independent conservative grassroots movement in American history. He has served as a White House presidential speechwriter, a Heritage Foundation foreign policy analyst, a senior aide to a U.S. Senator and to the former governor of New Jersey governor and 9/11 Commission chairman, and as a manager and executive at three U.S.-
based Fortune 1000 healthcare providers. Michael has written for The Wall Street Journal, The Christian Science Monitor, National Review, and other media, and is a regular commentator and analyst on global and U.S.-based television and radio networks. He attended the University of Miami, where he majored in economics and graduated with honors, and Gonville and Caius College at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom.


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