Rare Sighting Of Pink Baby Elephant In Africa

1 year ago

The video shows an incredible rare moment filmed in the African wild of a pink baby elephant swimming with its family in a river.

Baby elephants are just adorable creatures and when you find a baby elephant that is pink, it puts cuteness to whole new level. It was during a scorcher of a day in the Kruger National Park when I managed to capture this rare and unique moment in the wild. It was during the middle of the day when everybody was back at camp, relaxing after their morning safari. The camp has a beautiful view over a river in front of it and guests can laze around on the decks of the camp while watching animals come and go. On this specific day a huge herd of elephants came to the front of the camp into the river for a swim. It was incredibly hot and humid, and the elephants decided to spend some time in the river and enjoy a cool down swim in the river to everybody’s amazement.

Suddenly someone noticed something strange amongst all the elephants and called me over to come and have a look. I immediately saw what the person pointed out to me. It stood out like a shiny pink gleam of light. There it was in front of us, a pink baby elephant swimming with the rest of its family. We couldn’t believe what we saw. I immediately grabbed my camera and started filming this incredible sight. The pink baby elephant was having the time of its life swimming and playing with its family in the river. I realized we were looking at a true albino baby elephant, with an unpigmented skin with no melanin, unpigmented eyes and not so white but pink skin. Only a small number of sightings have ever been reported of pink elephants in the African wild.

Unfortunately, the chances for this baby elephant to make it to adulthood are slim. The ruthless African sun makes survival a daily struggle for non-pigmented animals such as this cute baby elephant. The sun can also cause blindness in their unpigmented eyes. Besides all these factors, albino animals also stand out, are less camouflaged, which make them much more vulnerable to predators. Luckily this pink baby elephant has a massive herd protecting it. It would really take a lot for any predator to even attempt hunting the pink baby elephant with so many big elephants around to protect it, which they will. Everybody was blown away by what we have seen in front of the camp in the middle of the day, leaving us entertained and with a lifetime memory.

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