Sexy Scene (Alicia Silverstone & Brittany Murphy) - Clueless (1995)

1 year ago

Paul Rudd as Josh Lucas

Brittany Murphy as Tai Frasier

Alicia Silverstone as Cher Horowitz

[bikini scene]

[hot scene]

[underwear scene]

Now squeeze your buttocks when you come up.

-Squeeze here.

l don't wanna do this anymore.

And my buns, they don't feel nothing like steel.

Okay, it will get easier, l promise.

Just as long as we do it every day, not just sporadically.

How do you know if you're doing it sporadically?

That's another thing, Tai. We've got to work on your accent and vocabulary.

See, "sporadic" means once in a while.
Try and use it in a sentence today.

TAl: All right.
CHER: Okay, from now on

we're alternating Cindy Crawford's
Aerobicize and Buns of Steel and reading one non-school book a week.

My first book is Fit orFat.

Mine is, Men are from Mars,
Women are from Venus.

Good. That takes care of our minds and bodies.

But we should do something good for mankind or the planet for a couple of hours.

Hey, brainiac.

The dreaded ex. Tai, this is Josh.

Nice to meet you.

You know about this stuff.

l wanna do something good for humanity.

How about sterilization?

-What do you think?
-l'm amazed.

That l am devoting myself so generously to someone else?


That you found someone even more clueless than you are to worship you.

l am rescuing her from teenage hell.
Do you know the wounds of adolescence could take years to heal?

And you've never had a mother, so you're acting out on that poor girl like she was your Barbie doll.

Freshman psych rears its ugly head.

-l am not taking psych.

l'm going to take that lost soul in there and make her well-dressed and popular.

Her life will be better because of me.
How many girls can say that about you?

Mentos better, Mentos fresher

Fresh goes better with Mentos fresh and full of life

MAN: (ON TV) Mentos.

The freshmaker.

-Be seeing you.
-Yeah, l hope not sporadically.

Clueless is a 1995 American coming-of-age teen comedy film written and directed by Amy Heckerling. It stars Alicia Silverstone, Stacey Dash, Brittany Murphy and Paul Rudd. It was produced by Scott Rudin and Robert Lawrence. It is loosely based on Jane Austen's 1815 novel Emma, with a modern-day setting of Beverly Hills

#FullHD #Movies #Scenes #Clueless #AliciaSilverstone #BrittanyMurphy

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