Meet Your Spirit Guides

1 year ago

Meet Your Spirit Guides with Susanne J. Wilson

Description: Susanne has worked as a professional medium for decades helping people connect to their loved ones in spirit, and, ultimately, to realize that love never dies and death is only a graduation toward more life. Her primary passion now is teaching others to connect to the world of spirit themselves! Susanne teaches a Workshop: "Meet Your Spirit Guides."

Come see Susanne LIVE and sign up for her workshop at the Sedona Ascension Retreat:


Joan of Angels, known as the Visionary’s visionary, is an Intuitive Guide, Transsformational Coach, Soul Mission Activator, Visionary Artist and Oracle. Find out more, align with your soul purpose and live the life you literally signed up for now, at

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The Portal to Ascension Conference is returning live and in-person! Join us at the beautiful Marina Village in San Diego, California April 21st – 23rd, 2023. LIVE in California - April 2023 for the UK in-person conference - August 2023

As massive shifts are happening on the planet and hidden truths are being uncovered, we are piecing together the fragmented parts of our existence and timeline. At Portal To Ascension, we are dedicated to full circle awareness of the truth of who we are and remembrance of our connection to the cosmos.

The Conference features luminaries such as: JJ & Desiree Hurtak, Adam Apollo, Caroline Cory, Robert Schoch, Linda Moulton Howe, Robert Edward Grant, Barbara Lamb and many more.


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