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CDC Delayed Myocarditis Reports + More

Streamed on:

This jam-packed episode of ‘Friday Roundtable’ will empower viewers in the ongoing fight for medial freedom. First, Brian Hooker, Ph.D. shares eye-opening data from studies done on myocarditis and gain-of-function lab leaks. Then, watch a highlight reel that features CHD.TV fans, like you!

Watch FULL EPISODES of ‘Friday Roundtable’ on CHD.TV 
Live Every Friday 11:30am PT // 2:30pm ET
➡️ https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/shows/chd-friday-roundtable


  • 0/2000
  • Can someone speak to when these criminals will be served w lawsuits for their crimes ? And is depopulation really their aim ? And why? Birth control is readily available.

  • the reason (I believe) it's unlikely we'll see the worst offenders held responsible, is because even justice isn't just. Our judges are just as susceptible to ignorance, pressure, tribalism, etc as we've seen in healthcare and government. Remember how wrong Sotomayor was on children data? Even these FOIA requests I worry will get interfered with at some stage along the way.

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  • This whole thing has been planned for decades, they knew clever people would work it out eventually. They've covered all the bases. Not the governments, the police or the courts are going to stop this.

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  • 🌞🌞🌞Bacteria and Viruses are not the problem, They are the direct response to the body's toxicity, nutrition, and energy level. 🌞🌞🌞

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