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Antibody Deception With Steven Pelech, Ph.D

Streamed on:

Original antigenic sin. Molecular mimicry. Apoptosis. What do these scientific terms, COVID and vaccines have in common? Join Jessica Rose, Ph.D. and Steven Pelech, Ph.D. for an intriguing conversation on today’s ‘Good Morning CHD’ as they deep-dive into this often censored topic. What they share with viewers is critical.

Watch FULL EPISODES of ‘Good Morning CHD’ on CHD.TV

Live Week Days 7am PT // 10am ET
➡️ https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/shows/good-morning-chd


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  • main sponsor? pharma ceo’s sit in the board of all the news stations & vice-versa

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  • I can prove viruses don't exist by virtue of the fact that they can't prove they do...

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  • Don’t forget the chem-trails drop anti-healthy items on Us to corrupt our immunity. Also All Animals. Remember shots are killing our pets as well. No investigations are done in our shots further back from h1n1. Way back as the shots usually have aluminum and metals. Which corrupt learning ability. Overall Corruption, Genicide

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  • I've given a blood sample for this study. Very good info comes from it. https://peoplesworldwar.com/dr-steven-pelech-speaks-at-victims-of-pandemic-policy-law/

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