Exploring Our National Parks Volume 2 by Michael Finney on Amazon

1 year ago

Exploring the National Parks across the United States is an opportunity that should not be taken for granted. To understand the profound notion of stewardship, in terms of responsibility and accountability, we must know the land as intimately as possible. This album seeks to further nurture the seed planted in Volume 1 of the series.

Paperback: https://amazon.com/dp/1082413585

Captured in photographs are views of eight parks around the country with poetry, journaled notes, and essays which catalogue the author’s experiences and thoughts while traveling through them.

Cuyahoga Valley
Mt. Rainer
North Cascades
Mammoth Cave
Great Smoky Mountains

Video Series
Gumroad V2: https://mdf365.gumroad.com/l/National-Parks-V2

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