要认真对待(finalcall07)Be SERIOU

1 year ago

2014年5月18日 finalcall07


耶稣基督来到这个世界是为了非常认真严肃的事情。 祂来从罪中拯救世人,祂来拯救迷失的人, 祂来受死,祂来受苦。 祂来献出自己的生命, 使那些接受祂的人能够得到生命。 但祂被拒绝,被迫害,被诽谤, 他们向祂吐口水,他们折磨祂, 他们把祂挂在十字架上,他们杀了祂, (祂所承受的,)是为了你和我。 世人并不接受耶稣,世人拒绝了耶稣。 他们接受了祂给他们的东西。 他们接受了祂的医治, 他们接受了祂分给众人吃的饼和鱼, 但他们不愿意与祂同行。 他们不愿与祂待在一起, 他们拒绝了祂。 这个世界不接受耶稣。 许多所谓的基督徒藉着悔改接受了耶稣, 但他们没有与耶稣同行。 他们没有与耶稣紧密的连接起来。 但他们与他们的教会,他们的牧师和他们各种版本的圣经亲密的连接在了一起,却不是与耶稣。 他们不愿追随耶稣。 如果我们不愿意追随耶稣, 不愿意跟从和顺服祂,不愿意与祂相交, 不愿为祂遭受拒绝和迫害, 如果我们没有对耶稣保持忠诚一直到底, 那我们就不能与祂共度永恒, 我们不能得救。 我们不能只接受美好的事物, 想要永生,却拒绝耶稣。 如果我们不认真对待与耶稣基督的关系, 祂也会拒绝我们。 如果我们否认祂,祂一定会否认我们。 如果我们拒绝祂,祂就会对我们说: "你这作恶的人,我从来不认识你,走开"。 我们对我们与耶稣的关系有多认真? 我们有多认真地服从祂,做祂所吩咐的事? 许多信徒不顺服祂,不接受水的洗礼。 还有一些人不接受祂派来引导和教导我们的圣灵, 他们更愿意紧拥他们的圣经而拒绝耶稣, 就像法利赛人所做的那样, 他们坚守自己的圣经(妥拉), 把耶稣基督钉在十字架上。 我们对自己与耶稣基督的关系有多认真? 我们会跟从和顺服祂,并与祂一直忍耐到底吗? 愿耶稣祝福你。

Jesus Christ came into this world on SERIOUS BUSINESS. He came to save the world from sin, He came to save the lost, He came to DIE, He came to SUFFER. He came to GIVE HIS LIFE so that those who ACCEPT HIM can have life. But He was rejected, persecuted, slandered, they spat on Him, they tortured Him, they hung Him on a cross and they killed Him, for you and for me. The world did not accept Jesus, the world rejected Jesus.

They accepted what He gave to them. They accepted the healings, they accepted the bread and the fish when He fed the multitudes but THEY WOULD NOT GO WITH HIM. They would not stay with Him. THEY REJECTED HIM.
This world does not accept Jesus. Many so called Christians accept Jesus by their confession but they do not walk with Jesus. They are not associated with Jesus. They are associated with their church and their pastor and their Bible (KJV, NIV, NAS...) but not with Jesus. They will not follow after Jesus. If we are not willing to go after Jesus, follow and obey Him, be associated with Him, be rejected and persecuted because of Him and if we do not remain faithful to Him until the end then we will not spend eternity with Him, WE WILL NOT BE SAVED.
We cannot just accept the good things, want eternal life but reject Jesus. If we are not serious about our relationship with Jesus Christ He will also turn us away. If we deny Him He will certainly deny us. If we reject Him He will say to us:"Go away I never knew you, you worker of wickedness." How serious are we about our relationship with Jesus? How SERIOUS are we about OBEYING Him and DOING what He commands?
Many believers will not obey Him and be baptized in water. Others will not accept the Holy Spirit which He sent to guide and teach us, they rather stick to their Bibles and reject Jesus, exactly like the pharisees did, they stuck to their Bibles (Torah) and they crucified Jesus Christ.
How SERIOUS ARE WE about our relationship with Jesus Christ? Will we FOLLOW and OBEY Him and endure with Him until the very end? May Jesus bless you.

Visit me at: http://www.finalcall07.com
email: finalcall07@gmail.com

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