Eric Bolling, the Democrat INSURRECTION & normalizing pedophilia

1 year ago

The following cities (Stockton, CA, Baltimore, Detroit, Cleveland, Jackson, Memphis, Birmingham, New Orleans, East St. Louis, St. Louis City, Atlanta, Bibb County (GA), Dougherty County (GA), Montgomery City, Baton Rouge, Flint (MI), Philadelphia, Pine Bluff (AR), Rochester (NY), Buffalo, Greensboro (NC), Durham (NC), Fayetteville (NC), Milwaukee, Dayton (OH), Danville (VA), Portsmouth (VA), Hampton (VA), Newport News (VA), Petersburg (VA), Norfolk (VA), Roanoke (VA), Richmond (VA), District of Columbia, Compton (CA), North Little Rock (AR), Wilmington (DE), Newark, Camden (NJ), Chicago, Gary (IN) & Little Rock (AR), Houston, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Albuquerque, Louisville, Syracuse, Kansas City (MO), Oakland, Augusta/Richmond County (GA), Savannah (GA), & Shreveport: Those Democrat enclaves were only 6.354% of the entire U.S. population 2018-2020 & had a staggering homicide rate of 24.856 per 100,000. They had 28.54% of all homicides 2018-2020.

Those cities had more than 14 homicides every single day 2018-20. How many mass shootings is that per day? How many do you think they’ll have every single day 2021-23?

Whether it’s a high homicide or low homicide state won by Trump or a high homicide or low homicide state won by Biden & Hillary – the jurisdictions spiking the homicide rate are typically “diverse” areas run by Democrats. MO, AR & TN are perfect examples of high homicide Republican states that have a lot of black-on-black homicide in jurisdictions where Democrats get 60% or more of the vote.

If you want to read all these essays on homicide & crime in Democrat jurisdictions

The REAL DEMOCRAT #INSURRECTION is to one, throw guys like Kyle Rittenhouse in prison if they defend their communities from fatherless terrorists. Two, take away guns from law-abiding gun owners, especially ones in rural areas. Three, intimidate the police into no proactive policing in high crime areas (which will likely result in less bad guys being caught) and/or defund the police & four – let lunatics who should be locked-up behind bars, loose.

From 2008-2020, Asians averaged 1.357% of all arrestees for violent crime. Asians were 4.8% of the population in 2010 & 5.9% in 2020. Keep that in mind. Of the 114,588 arrestees for Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter 2008-2020, 1.15% (1,325) of the arrestees were Asian. How come Asians are arrested for violent crimes at a much, much lower volume than Blacks?

From 2008-2020, Black men were 43.866% of all Expanded Homicide Data victims. Remember, Black Men are ~6.6% of the entire U.S. population & they are typically ~44% of all homicide victims.

Of the 105,970 arrestees (typically, >80% of the arrestees for Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter are evil men) for Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter 2008-19, 51.01% (54,063) of the arrestees were… Black. Whoops!

If I assume (not gratuitously) that 80% of the Black arrestees for Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter are Black MEN then that means a segment of the population that is only 6.6% of the entire U.S. population is responsible for 40.81% (43,250) of all arrests for Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter.

The Black on Black homicide rate is ~4.5X HIGHER than the White on White Homicide Rate

Brian Tyler Cohen’s red state/blue state homicide pap gets nuked

Bill Maher called sexual intercourse between a 13-year-old boy & a 30+ year old public school predator – “love.” That is not love, that is pedophilia.

Every Democrat candidate should be asked the following question: “Do ‘transgender’ rights extend to folks like Bill Clinton for example – declaring themselves ‘non-binary’ or ‘female’ – allowing them to use the same fitness center locker room as my 14-year-old daughter. Is that part of those rights & do you support that.”

The Democrat Party wants to de-stigmatize pedophilia & hebephilia & if they get their way they want make it illegal for you to call the police when some sick walking sack of excrement gets “his” wish to hang out in the same locker room w/ little girls.

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