In Their Own Words; The 2030 Agenda

1 year ago

What has recent history taught us?
Censorship has crushed all discussion and debate in what we are continuously told, is still a "democratic world". How can this truly be the case when decisions about what content we see or read is taken from us?
Meanwhile, we are all herded to follow a completely corrupted mainstream and social media feed of lies or accept crippling retribution. Like the ultimatum attached to mandatory vaccinations to remain employed, this has never been and never will be, a democratic choice.
This amateur film is by no means professionally edited but features the words of un-elected world leaders, elected politicians, paid health 'experts' and news presenters who, in their own words, emphatically demonstrate the collusion and corruption that is bringing the world to its rapidly increasing demise.
My sincere hope is that my hours of labour will impact all who have the courage to watch the video until its very end. I am certain that if you do, you will reach the same conclusion that I have; that working people MUST stand up and confront the tyranny encircling us all before it reaches your doorstep!
Our time is running out and it is clear that pharmaceutical companies alongside the WEF, UN and WHO are determined to utilise all those they have 'bought' to silence anyone questioning the covid narrative. As they all boast about their soaring profits, working families across the world are suffering.
While third and fourth jabbed, obedient souls continue to fall ill, enter hospitals and die with/from covid, there appears to be so few mainstream voices demonstrating the required spine to question how or why any of this is possible. Yet, the truth is plain to see; it is money and lots of it, that has enabled us to enter and remain locked in this situation.
But there is always hope... That hope takes the form of a spiritual and existential revolution that up until now, has been a naive competitor to the rampant stakeholder capitalist model advocated by suited criminals behind these foregrounded world organisations. And it continues unabated with the juxtaposition of excitement for the new iPhone, saturated coverage of the sad death of a monarch and ongoing silence surrounding confirmed covid vaccine adverse events.
Before living becomes an unbearable trial for every worker on the planet, I implore those still unquestioningly supporting the narrative; please see for yourself, what your elected and non-elected world leaders have done and are still doing, to push through their stated Great Reset.

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