Deep State v. Trump: The Political War on a Former President

2 years ago

Two failed impeachments. One failed special counsel investigation. One questionable election. And now an FBI raid into the Mar-A-Lago home of former President Donald Trump.
In just the last few weeks alone, we’ve been warning you about the radical Left’s weaponization of these Executive Branch agencies and specifically law enforcement, including the IRS which has its own considerable law enforcement wing within. Now it’s unfolding in front of the eyes of the world.
This is banana republic-style governing and politicization of government agencies. This is third world politics. This is not the United States of America. At least, it’s not what the U.S. is supposed to be. But the problem is how do you stop it, and fix the problem, when the bad actors are currently running rampant with power in Washington D.C. and they’re adding 87,000 more IRS agents to come after you, the same way they went after President Trump.
For him, they used the FBI and pieces of paper. For you, it will be the IRS, with audits of small businesses, and audits of people who make LESS than $200,000 a year. Not billionaires. They won’t bother their own. They’re coming for the Middle Class, especially the conservative Middle Class. Your government is telling you very clearly what they think about you. If you’re a Trump supporter, or even just a conservative, or if you’re a Christian, they don’t like you. You pose a problem. They want to get rid of you, or at least shut you up, any way they can. This is your wakeup call.
Look at the statement former President Trump released while the raid was happening:
"These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI Agents. Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before . . . It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024."
We spoke to Senator Lindsey Graham – who yesterday tweeted that “No one is above the law. The law must be above politics.” – and asked him about the optics of this raid, and the weaponization of the Executive Branch:
"Well, here’s my concern, if you look at the FBI actions toward President Trump through the Mueller investigation, you will find an FBI lawyer manipulating evidence to the FISA court. The FBI and DOJ were reprimanded by the FISA Court for withholding exculpatory information regarding the Carter Page warrant. The guy pled guilty, got probation, but it’s still a crime. The Mueller investigation was rotten to its core. They ignored exculpatory information, ran every stop sign you could run, believed every bad thing whether they checked it out or not, and ignored the Russian sub-source disavowing the primary document to get the Carter Page warrant. They’ve been investigating Trump for five years now and what I would say to people is that the burden on the Department of Justice is exceedingly high. You’re 100 days away from a midterm election, and it’s pretty well known that President Trump’s going to run again, so this reeks of politics. Stay tuned."
The bottom line here is the Left is so desperate to stop Donald Trump from running again, or even of conservatives to regaining the House or Senate, they will resort to third world despotic tactics. We’re watching it happen right now. We need to be vigilant.

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