Adverse effects of covid vaccine, in english ! for all over the wolrd !

1 year ago

Ce jour là, j'ai failli vomir en entendant le chiffre de 44 enfants décédés avec Pfizer... ca s'entend dans la vidéo ! désolé du format ! certains sauront la remettre dans le bon sens.
Ici la version française !

I have been warning for months about the non-safety of covid vaccines in the experimental phase and therefore about their dangerousness regardless of age.
My proposals are based on verifiable public data, namely the ANSM and the Ephiphare reports of November 2021 and January 2022.
It is your duty as parliamentarians, senators or any other responsible adult person to alert the National Assembly and the people of the very many serious cases and post Covid vaccine deaths.
To date, there have been more than 1,777 deaths among the 33,230 serious cases, all vaccines combined.
The total number of doses listed is 137,413,254. (33,230 / 137,413,254 *10,000) = 2.4 per 10,000, or 1 serious case per 4,166 doses.
The risk of having a serious case after vaccination is therefore 1 for every 4166 injections.
This risk is colossal and very probably underestimated.
Indeed, the number of false declarations of injections carried out increases the denominator and consequently reduces the risk.
Who would buy a hamburger or a pizza putting them at risk of a stroke or myocarditis or blindness or death for every 4,166 steaks, pizzas?

In addition, among those under 18, the number of serious Pfizer cases is 728.
Pfizer deaths represent 6% of serious cases of all ages: 1,364 deaths / 22,816 serious cases.
Therefore there are at least 44 deaths among those under 18 (728 x 6%).
How can we accept 44 deaths under the age of 18 after Pfizer vaccination in France?
Finally, the risk of death with a covid "vaccine" is at least 9 x higher than the risk of death with coronavirus in children under 18!

Therefore, it seems essential to us to protect our children and the general population to ask all with one voice and today the activation of the precautionary principle.
Rapport ANSM

Rapport Epiphare

Données INSEE : La mortalité chez les 0 - 24 ans a fait un bon de +3,5% de juin à décembre 2021, donc depuis la vaccination des mineurs. Ceci devrait nous alerter au plus haut point.,2019%20(%2B%2023%20166%20d%C3%A9c%C3%A8s).

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