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New Omicron Variants

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On today’s ‘Good Morning CHD,’ guest Dr. Paul Marik breaks down the propaganda and lies coming from Big Pharma and political figures across the globe. He exposes their fraudulent pandemic fear-mongering, warns of the dangers of COVID vaccination and shares the truth behind alternative interventions and health provisions. For a jam-packed episode with the real facts and data, be sure to tune in! *The information in this episode is for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute professional medical advice.


  • 0/2000
  • Thank you CHD & Dr. Marik for this interview and for your relentless battle for the truth!

  • Viruses do not last longer than about 8 months within a population. They then mutate into watered down versions and pass out in about 4-6 months. Even more weakened versions can pop up - but certainly do not any real threat. The CV19 itself had a 99.98% survival rate - you have a much greater chance of being killed driving to he grocery store. This experimental genetic disruptor injection is causing lots of injuries and deaths - especially in athletic young men. This is more than just about "Big Pharma" making money - this is much more diabolical.

  • It will be interesting to see what the backlash will be for HMOs whose doctors continue to push covid-19 "vaccines" and "boosters" on the basis of their "safety and effectiveness," as more and more evidentiary data from thousands of doctors and scientists to the contrary emerges.

  • Dr Paul Marik 🙏👍

  • Awesome interview with Dr. Marik! He is our hero!! God bless him and keep him 🙏 Cheers from Switzerland 🇨🇭

  • The question is, when are we going to stop this? This is all pushed by China. When are we going to stop China? WEF works for China. China, China, China. So sick of this. Ready to force change so people can thrive.

  • I love dr Marik but let’s be clear, dr Marik is misinformed at the least to say,” Tedros admitted ten days ago” ( or ever) “that it came from a lab. “ He has done No Such Thing! Google it!

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  • Dr Tedros? lol. lies from day 1

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