True North’s Elie attended Leslyn Lewis' event in Ottawa about the CPC leadership race

1 year ago

Dr. Leslyn Lewis is vying to lead the Conservative Party of Canada and become the next prime minister. She is also the only pro-life candidate vying for the leadership.

True North’s Elie Cantin-Nantel attended a campaign event Lewis held at Ottawa’s Greenbelt Church and asked attendees why they were supporting her. He also asked them what conservatives can do differently to win the next election and if they think it is possible for the party to win with a pro-life platform and leader.

True North also interviewed Lewis to find out what her vision of the Conservative party is.

The Conservative Party of Canada leadership race is
well underway with over 600,000 members signed up
and six candidates vying for their support.
One of these candidates is
Dr. Leslyn Lewis, who ran in the 2020 leadership race
and has since become a member of Parliament.
Now, the legacy media often likes
to ignore Lewis, but we don't.
So I went to an event she held at
Ottawa's Greenbelt Church to ask attendees some questions, starting
with why they are supporting Leslyn Lewis for leader.
I've liked Dr. Leslyn since she first appeared on the
scene for the first leadership race.
I like that she's a woman of integrity, that
she honestly answers all questions, that she's not scared
and she doesn't run away from things that some
people can consider political taboo right now.
So, yes, I appreciate her honesty and integrity.
I think she's a good, strong candidate.
I was happy to come see her two years
ago when she ran for the leadership,
and I'm a political junkie, so I like these events.
But I really wanted to hear her message tonight
and I wanted to see how she presented to
the crowd and how the crowd received her and
how she handled the questions and answers.
I think she did really well tonight.
She's a strong candidate, she has grown a lot as
an MP and I think that she's going to do
very well in the leadership vote in September.
I'm really excited to endorse Dr. Leslyn Lewis.
She brings an enthusiasm and it's the value set
that I think is really needed in Canada.
She's poised to take on Justin Trudeau in
the general election and I can't wait to
see her stacked up against Justin Trudeau.
She brings a humility and a desire to
lead this country in a good way.
I've been following her quite a bit and so
I came on a couple of weeks after she
announced her candidacy because I believe she's principled, I
believe she's honest, I believe she's compassionate.
And then I believe she has a vision for Canada,
to restore Canada to at least what it was, and
even I think she'll take it to the next level.
Conservatives have lost to Justin Trudeau three times, allowing
him to stay in power and put in place
policies which some have deemed harmful and divisive.
So I wanted to ask the attendees what
they think the party needs to do differently
in order to win the next election.
I think the most important thing is that Conservatives need
to be proud about their values and speak out confidently
and not just try to appease the left.
I think that was what was done last time
and it didn't really work out that well.
I want a Conservative who's going to speak up for
what I believe in, which is a lot of just
Canadian values that I think a lot of Canadians share.
I guess they have to stay on message, they have
to let the public know exactly what they stand for.
Don't make the message too complicated.
Make it very simple and understandable and speak to
the basic issues that people are concerned about, like
inflation, which is affecting everybody right now.
So those bread and butter issues I
think, are going to win people over.
A number of things is just to remain
true to who we are as Conservatives bring
forward policies that will make life more affordable
for Canadians, and bring forward policies that make
Canada the freest country in the world.
Well, I think we as Conservatives need to make sure
that we're united as a caucus and as a party,
and that we're firing on all cylinders, that we get
our message across clearly of hope, love, and compassion.
Exactly what Leslyn's campaign is all
about hope, unity, and compassion.
And I think that's going to be a huge thing
if we can communicate that vision to Canadians, I think
they're ready for it because I think they're tired of
Justin Trudeau and all of his cronies.
Lester Lewis is the only pro life candidate in this
leadership race, and legacy media pundits often like to say
that the Conservative Party could never win an election with
a pro-life platform or a leader.
So I wanted to ask these attendees how they
see Conservatives winning with a pro life message.
I like the way Lesson talked about it tonight. Dr.
Lesson in that she talked about the fact that we just
need to be able to talk about it honestly and openly,
that we can find common ground to talk about.
I thought that was a brilliant answer.
And as she said, there's a lot of
Canadians that are willing to talk about the
fact that we don't want sex selective abortion.
A lot of Canadians don't worry that you can that
Canadians are going to the States because they can't find
a doctor here that will abort six months, seven months,
eight month old baby, and so they go to the
States for a doctor who will do it there.
Many Canadians don't realize that.
So I think we can have those conversations.
And it's okay, I think, if
it's presented the right way. And as Dr.
Lewis said today, it starts with a conversation.
So if they can convince Canadians to have the
conversation and to talk about legislation and talk about
the issue in an intelligent and kind and respectful
way, I think anything is possible.
But you have to start somewhere, and starting
with the conversation is probably the best way.
Well, we've never tried it before, so I would say that
we look to other countries, look to the United States.
The Republicans are winning running on
a pro life platform extensively.
We look to the UK. Even the UK.
Conservatives are reducing abortion from 22
weeks down to 20 weeks.
So these are things that are
winning issues around the world.
Conservatives are motivated by these issues and
would come out to vote in support
of an explicitly pro life candidate.
I think it's a matter of education.
I think by far and large, Canadians believe
that there is protection for Canada's pre born.
And I think when they find out that
there's no protection, I think they're actually appalled,
and they'd be very willing to have an
open and honest dialogue about those issues.
I also had the opportunity to interview Dr.
Leslyn Lewis, and I asked her some of the questions
I had asked the attendees, including what she thinks the
Conservatives need to do differently in order to win the
next election, as well as how she would convey her
pro-life message in light of potential attacks and distortions
from the left and the media.
Conservatives have failed three times
to beat Justin Trudeau.
What do you think they have to do differently to
make sure that he does not get a fourth mandate?
I think Conservatives just need to be Conservatives
and not be afraid of the issues.
Be courageous and put forth issues that are going
to advance our country and prosper the nation right.
The Legacy media says that there's no way that
Conservatives can win on a pro life platform.
You are the only pro life candidate in this race.
If you were to win, you would likely face a
string of attacks from Liberals and the media claiming that
you want to take away a woman's right to choose.
How would you combat that and how would
you be effective in sharing your vision without
being twisted and interpreted the wrong way?
I think it's important that you
always find common ground between Canadians.
And so that's what I look for.
I look for policies that unify Canadian.
And so all of my policies have encouraged
people to have conversations and to find policies
that we can all agree on.
And there are a number of life policies that
the majority of Canadians agree on, and I think
that is where we should be as a nation.
And that concludes our report
on Leslyn Lewis's campaign event.

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