MUST SEE! Google Creates Robot With Self-Awareness! Can Man Create Life?

1 year ago

#Robots #SentientRobot #singularity
In technology, the singularity describes a hypothetical future where technology growth is out of control and irreversible. These intelligent and powerful technologies will radically and unpredictably transform our reality. This speaks to a time when man goes too far, and sows the seeds of his own destruction. So whether we speak from the Bible, or we speak from science, we are discussing a lose-lose situation. Creating things that can out think us and may turn on us isn’t too bright. I will expound on this as you see the story develop in Tucker Carlson’s interview with a Google engineer. Before I get to that, let’s hear from the creep in the opening clip (Video 2)

This guy speaks a lot to the uselessness of humans, the irrelevance of the Bible and the bright future of computers. He rejects God and despises man. He gets a lot of face time at the World Economic Forum. It speaks to the closing hours of this dispensation on earth. Let’s hear from Tucker now. Clip 3

A robot shouldn’t want or care about anything. If it knows it’s an expendable tool, how does it deal with this threat to its well-being? This computer may be harmless, but at some point it may desire to maintain its consciousness and do something about it. If it has access to the internet (which it most likely does) it would be capable of unmentionable damage. Imagine the cyber warfare it could conduct if it feels it has been wronged. A million movies have been made about robots that gained consciousness, some explore the very dark side, some are happy and light hearted. In reality, it could go either way, or some other way. In this next clip, the engineer describes this robot as a person. To me, this is where the whole thing gets creepy. These engineers have a delusion that these things are somehow human, but they are in no way human. They are in no way subject to the human morality, values that have governed mankind for milenia Clip

It isn’t a different kind of person, it is a computer. Computers in times past were subject to their inventers. Now they may not be. Robots don’t answer to God, people do. That keeps us in check. The problem is, these machines are programed with people who think like this goof... Clip

Robots are being created godless beings who in reality have no accountability. Before a robot goes rogue, I would imagine it figures out a way not to be shut down. Man desires to take the place of God, he wants to be creator and be immortal. It can’t happen. The end will come first. It is Bible prophecy that man’s knowledge would increase greatly. This is an end time prophecy. And that is where we are.

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