A DRUG FREE Recovery from Schizophrenia

3 years ago

I go through a step by step program to further your recovery from schizophrenia and compare it to the effectiveness of antipsychotic medication in reducing your symptoms of schizophrenia.

Complete list of recovery tips can be found here:
(above link has all the science papers in it used for this video)
and here for diagnosing schizophrenia:

The method elucidated in this video may also be effective if you have treatment resistant schizophrenia with antipsychotic medication not working for you; trying these steps may still improve your condition by the mentioned effect sizes. Schizophrenia is very heterogeneous (different in different people).

The numbers we achieve in this video (on the high end) are about the same as the effectiveness of clozapine which is the most effective antipsychotic currently available, with an average effectiveness of 88% in reducing schizophrenia symptoms. Clozapine is only used for those who have treatment resistant schizophrenia due to risk of causing low white blood cell counts which can be fatal.

0:00 The needed effect size
0:53 Cod Liver Oil
2:42 Zinc
3:54 KETO / Gluten Free
6:02 Exercise
7:35 Occupational Engagement
10:08 Raloxifene
11:47 Adding up the effect sizes
16:13 Potential Problems
16:55 CBD Oil or a Low Dose Antipsychotic
18:29 My Experience
19:33 Conclusion

20 (10 without placebo) fish oil4 month on 4 month off. 27 with vitamin e and c 400iu e and 500mg c was used. Some cod liver oil would likely have the 27% effect in itself though the fish oil used in their study had higher EPA than DHA and could be preferred) regular dose amounts were used similar to what's written on fish oil bottles.

30 zinc largely retained 30% pos and neg panns. 10% cog 18% total panns placebo accounted for. Other NMDA receptor effectors like sarcosine not as effective. 25mg a day for 6 weeks. Study used much more but that's risky for low red blood cell count without copper supplementation.

7 - 55 (say 20) keto, gluten free may achieve a positive effect of unknown size if you don't want to go all the way keto. Placebo accounted for
Keto 12% shorter lifespan at less than 30% carbs could be double at 5% carbs

23 occup 23 pos mid 40 pos highly occupied - exercise (3x a week 20 to 60 min each session, aerobic exercise ,plus weights?) and weight reduction. Not clear if occup led to reduction or reductions caused increased occupation.
Needs to be enriched, social meaningful different environments ect..
Exercise for 30% cognitive boost
Less than 3 min calorie counting or better yet eat healthy

9-16 (say 16) reloxefene placebo accounted for
60mg a day for 12 weeks in one study, slight risk of blood clot

67% to 88% on positive symptoms of schizophrenia
64% to 84% no reloxefene 58% if u cut the mid occupation effect in half
Including 1 placebo effect with fish oil
You may be a stronger or less strong responder within the high and low averages of these studies.

60% effect size of 6mg resperidone 6 week mark, another study had 6 wk 50% effect size 6mg resperidone. Clozapine is about 30% more effective than risperidone.
Hampered by the fact min panss score is 7. And we get down to 10

Add cbd if still have symptoms 800mg/d in one study was as effective as an antyphochotic
(amisulpride 2ed strongest antyphochotic. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0140673613607333). Use less because less effect is needed. Adjunctive cbd oil is also helpful In many ways including glial cells.   https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2020/11/beyond-cbd-plant-based-endocannabinoid-support
CBD oil is noted safe at this dosage and has been given continuously for up to 6 months in studies with no I'll effects except for
Sedation can be an side effect
Weight gain in 6% of people. THC much more strongly associated with w g
CBD oil can cause diarrhea which usually resolves ok but may prevent you from taking it. But can also effect the metabolism of other drugs, causing levels to increase ( in 60% of prescription drugs)
Liver toxicity is another small risk of CBD oil, which could be checked within the first 30 days

Too many antioxidants can reduce lifespans too.

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