Simple tool to organize your assignments

3 years ago


You are fortunate enough to have more than one copy writing assignment and listen carefully. All work must be delivered on time and accurately to your customer.

Yep most copy writers are either chasing deadlines, or waiting for work to show up. They end up with more month then they do money. This episode address is that with a simple tool.

Will you be one of those Copywrriter who goes from too few assignments to too many assignments. Start with this approach so that you can build your book of business and grow your marketing agency.

Too many copywriter struggle getting clients, then end up with too many clients than they can handle. This causes failures in the quality of work. It gives you massive headaches. And fires to constantly put out.

These episode covers a simple tool that helps you get out of the clutter and into the client work at hand. You’ll be finishing more assignments and getting better results with this insight.

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