Post-Orthodoxy Marathon Subscriber Weekend DAY THREE

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Here's one of our mission statements:
To Have a Better Time, With More People, More Often.

If you follow anyone such as Brett Weinstein, or Joe Rogan, or Useful Idiots, or Peak Prosperity, or Caitlin Johnstone, or Breaking Points, or Hanzi Freinacht, or Russell Brand, or The Young Turks, or Jimmy Dore, you would probably think our content is important, too.

Post-Orthodoxy is a weekly (for now!) interactive livestream, and a podcast, and a digital community trying to find a way to be organic and free of algorithmic fuckery.

You don't have to have a ton of money to support independent journalism, critical thinking, trauma-informed research, ethical media, or parallel institutions. For the price of one craft beer, one fancy coffee, one Amazon Prime rental, you can be our decentralized employer! Tiny difference to you, but the sum of the parts is worth more than the parts, and our 1000 subscribers are going to make a YUGE difference for us!

Here's another one of our mission statements:
to heal divides and build community, through challenging dogmatic thinking.

You don't have to agree with every position we take on every topic to agree that what we're doing is important - lord knows we talk about some wild shit! Most of us recognize that the mainstream news is full of liars and shills - and you can choose something better with your attention and your dollars.

There are 7,753,000,000 people on this planet - that's over 7000 groups of 1,000,000!!! We know there are tons of people out there who want to be part of better communities, ethical, organic, no algorithmic fuckery, open-minded, honest, brave, and kind. Help them find us. The weekly interactive livestream has just been the beginning.
“An Outpost in the Borderlands,” Post-Orthodoxy explores the liminal spaces around changing our minds, and blazes trails into the wilds of what’s possible. Dark and Ainsley Sevier bring their Enhanced Natural Immunity to Bullshit (tm), as escapees from religious cults, to diagnose cultish behaviours in society at large, and to share their perspectives as social extremophiles.

Dark Sevier, Memetic Mediator, and Ainsley Sevier, Psychic Doula, work to reduce harm and build community thru challenging dogmatic thinking. A house divided cannot stand. Viewer discretion advised! We question everything, diagnose cultish behavior, and are building an Outpost in the Borderlands between belief systems, where we can empower each other toward cognitive sovereignty. Your sacred cows may get poked. What's outside your reality bubble?

Common topics include cognitive dissonance, personal biases, post-partisanship, Trauma Superpowers™, media critiques, conspiracy analysis, meme warfare, visions of possible futures, prescribed distractions, social justice, re-imagined histories, psycho-spiritual mumbo jumbo, entheogenic insights, metamodernism, religious trauma, etc.

Post-Orthodoxy is not a conversation for everyone. Anything that we’re not supposed to question gets questioned, and this can make some people feel unsafe and defensive. These conversations introduce reasonable doubt into any dogmatic thinking that is encountered. Sensemakers Dark and Ainsley seek to reduce harm and build community through curiosity, understanding, critical thinking, truth-seeking, and compassion.

Post-Orthodoxy might be a perfect community for you if:
- you find yourself wondering what’s really going on
- you’ve had to give up important relationships because your beliefs changed
- someone introduced you to a new way of perceiving reality
- you get a thrill from challenging your own mind and perspectives
- etc

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