Disinformation is FAKE NEWS

2 years ago

The word "disinformation" is everywhere. The EU has used the term to justify intrusive content regulations for tech platforms, under the auspices of the Digital Services Act. The Biden White House has acted multiple times to fight "disinformation," most recently in the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Disinformation Governance Board. This board has been dubbed the Ministry of Truth by its detractors. But does this word, which drives policy making, have any philosophic merit to it? Mr. Watson argues no, and lays out a passionate and intricate case as to why the term "disinformation" is a flagrant contradiction, at best, and a pretext for tyranny, at worst.

WATCH for more.

disinformation, free speech, censorship, Ministry of Truth, disinformation governance board, EU censorship, freedom of expression, politics, news, Joe Biden, Conservatism, Libertarianism, first amendment, fake news

#politics #freespeech #disinformation #misinformation #news #fakenews

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