Authortube Chronic Illness and Disability Tag / How my Health Condition Impacts my Writing

2 years ago

Authortube now has a Chronic Illness and Disability tag!

I watched Charlie Dorsett’s video with this tag, and I’ve picked up the questions from him 😊 some writers struggle through Health conditions and it’s important that we support each other.

Thank you to everyone in the community who made this tag a reality.

Here are the 10 questions:
1. What chronic illness or disability do you have? Do you have multiple?
2. Have you had your chronic illness or disability your entire life?
3. What healthy coping skills have you learned because of your disability?
4. Do you apply your experiences to your writing?
5. How does your chronic illness or disability alter your writing routine?
6. How does it impact your writing style, topics, characters, etc.?
7. What about your chronic illness or disability has surprised you?
8. How did your family react?
9. What do you celebrate about your chronic illness or disability?
10. What’s your favorite form of self-care?

Consider yourself tagged if you have a chronic illness or disability. Let me know if you do so that I can add your video to the playlist.

Megan McCarthy

Charlie Dorsett Channel

Tania Stephanson Website:


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