2 years ago

Mike teaches today. 07/17/21


VERSES: Matthew 13:1-58, 21:43; Ephesians 6; Isaiah 6:9-10



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The 7 or 8 Parables (if you count the one in verse 52) of Matthew Chapter 13 are overall Christ’s prophetic word about an emerging unknown Age of mercy and grace introduced by John the Baptist, having to do with Christ Himself as the ‘Head’ wherein a ‘Body’ of believers will be called in the Gospel seed of Christ’s Atonement, to further the purposes of the Father hereto unknown. And that being in the first place out of the ‘field’; the field typing the entire World. There will be an eternally saved people brought into God’s eternal Kingdom (this eternal kingdom to be manifest only after the Millennial Kingdom of Christ, which is realized at the Great White Throne Judgment). And then out of that ‘Body’ of believers, there will be, congruently or in harmonious conjunction, a further more threatening calling of a trained and worthy army of overcomers to occupy the heavenly realm of this World in Christ’s Millennial Kingdom. The realization of a new kingdom and government in this world’s heavens is preeminent in the Father’s mysterious Salvation Plan (Ephesians 1 and 2 with Revelation 12) and is to become foremost in His Eternal Kingdom. These overcomers alone are then to be granted this great inheritance reward for service in selfless fruitfulness while occupying faithfully on this Earth according to the fullness of the uncorrupted Gospel of Grace Word, and thereby overcoming satan and his unseen spirit forces currently ruling over this World from this World’s unseen heavenly places. These then are purposefully set against the ruling spirit forces of Darkness in this present World, which answers to satan’s great strategies of resistance described throughout the parables.

The setting of these things in motion, hidden since before the foundation of the World (as we saw in Ephesians 1:4), is in response to Israel’s rejection and crucifixion of the Messiah King and His Kingdom. That’s what brought these things to the forefront. The Jews, being the Promised seed of Abraham had to be offered the invitation to rule in the heavenly kingdom first, but when they rejected it in their hearts, it set in motion that the truths of the heavenly kingdom inheritance would pass from one nation to another. The truths were now not only offered to Israel only, but to the world (the field being a type for ‘the world’ in the parable of the sower).

Any interpretation of these parables of the mysteries of the kingdom of heavens must have these above-mentioned Truths at the core. The Jewish leaders were made up of three sects: Pharisees, Sadducees, and Herodians, which were forever resistant to Christ and to the fact that His authority was from God, even though this was clearly confirmed by the miraculous signs which He did. But even to these, they blasphemously assigned His works to a power given Him by the dark and evil powers. (Matthew 12:24,31,32) In response to their persistent hardheartedness, the Lord declares their rejection of them as that Nation of people to rule with Him from the heavenly kingdom. (Matthew 21:43… “Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.”) Never is one more blind than when he refuses to see, and then God judiciously hardens his heart. (Isaiah 6:9-10… “He said, “Go and tell this people: “‘Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.’ Make the heart of this people calloused; make their ears dull and close their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed.”)

Israel, redeemed from Egypt and having been called and empowered to be God’s representative in the Earth for some 4000 years, had historically fallen short in obedience to the calling until finally God announced by His prophet Jeremiah that He would, in judgment on Israel, for their stubborn continuation in the sin of unbelief, set aside the realization of their Earthly Kingdom by taking away their ruling authority in the Earth. Whereby the Gentiles were un-resisted by God as He appointed King Nebuchadnezzar to rule over the entire Earth, followed by successive Gentile Nations, even as it is today.

So starting with Nebuchadnezzar, the Jews would be subject to Gentile rule, and that for a season. Regarding this, Daniel seeks and prays asking God how long will this continue until Israel would be restored to preeminence in the Earth, to which Daniel’s revelation of 70 weeks of 7 years answers. (Daniel 9:25-27) The prophesied....


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