Season 2 Preview "Food is Medicine" Rooftop BBQ Tako/bạch tuộc in Saigon (Japan cuisine)

2 years ago

Live stream cooking from Vietnam, with focus this year on "Food is Medicine" theory. Welcome to my kitchen!

Article on the health benefits of eating octopus ...

My Kitchen Goals for Season 2

*Use fresh, locally-grown, whole foods, that are unprocessed and grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, antibiotics, growth hormones, GMO, herbicides or pesticides.

*Choose recipes from around the world with menu diversity of mostly plant-based dishes.

*Cook with the idea "Food is Medicine" and "Eat to Beat Disease" ... that everything prepared & served is based on the idea that all we consume either feeds or fights disease.

*Include dishes that are anti-inflammatory and exclude or minimize processed low-nutrient junk foods that cause inflammation such as refined sugars or other unnatural additives that are toxic to humans.

*Focus on wild-caught fish and clean animals raised by methods producing healthy animals through natural farming and feeds, such as grass-fed or grazing animals.

*Recognize that individuals have unique food needs.

*Care about the people who grow and provide our food.

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