The New View - The Corruption of Medicine

2 years ago

The New View team discuss the tremendous Anti-Mandates Rally in Los Angeles, Ellen's book about Jerry Keller, followed by Alanna's slide presentation on the origins of the Corruption of Medicine, then Ginger's SCAM - Standard Corporate American Medicine - collection of books and other resources here:

Big Pharma’s Corruption resources compiled by Ginger Metraux, PhD

Weston A. Price Foundation Journal
This organization is dedicated to natural and traditional, pre-junk food diets and is based on the work of the renowned dentist, Weston A Price. The quarterly journal is excellent, with great in-depth information, and access to holistic and alternative styles of medicine.

Organic Consumers Association
ANH Alliance for Natural Health
Health Freedom Alliance - “Farmageddon” documentary

Butchered by HealthCare, by Robert Yoho, MD
This reads like a detailed bible of exactly how to do pharma or big industry domination and monopolization. Shocking and illuminating! Pharma uses its network of captured government agencies, insurance companies, mainstream media, academic publications, legal system and lawyers, academic research departments (grant allotment panel), hospitals/clinics’ administrations, and doctors on the uptake wanting more credibility (ego validation) to create a huge money system. Everyone benefits except for the taxpayer and the patient.

The Real Anthony Fauci, by Robert F. Kennedy, Esq.
This best seller deserves a top spot on every aware person’s bookcase. The details of how Fauci played a deathly game for profit on the American people and the world are outstanding and you can feel how they happened in real time. It reads like a novel, but the detail is authentic and everything is fact checked by REAL fact checking!

Rising from the Dead by Suzanne Humphries, MD
Known mostly for the book “Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History” where she was co-author, she shares her autobiography in her journey as a physician discovering how doctors are manipulated into zombie medicine to become the walking dead, unable to think for themselves and truly serve their patients. While she was ostracized, she nevertheless shares how she found peace.

Pharmocracy, by William Faloon who heads up the Life Extension Foundation and has authored hundreds of articles and made hundreds of media appearances exposing FDA deception, failure, and abuse. In the 1990’s Life Extension sued the FDA and won the right to put truthful information on nutritional supplements. He revealed how Pharma outlaws a nutritional food product in order to make an analog as an
expensive pharmaceutical drug.

Plague - One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human
Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autism, and other
Diseases, by Kent Heckenlively and Judy Mikovits
Many of us learned of Judy Mikovits from the film Plandemic. Her research and investigations put her on Pharma’s hit list and she was arrested and jailed for her discoveries and for questioning the
standard narrative. This book shows how the legal system is captured by pharma.

Death by Medicine, by Gary Null MD
More detail on the political corruption of Pharma et al. similar to “Butchered”. Medicine today is a labyrinth of interlocking corporate, hospital, and governmental boards of directors, captured by the drug companies. Interestingly, the most toxic substances are often approved first, while milder and more natural alternatives are ignored for financial reasons.

And last but not least, my fave book of the day, our own Ellen Brown’s Forbidden Medicine. Written over 20 years ago, this is the riveting story of how a non-doctor discovered inexpensive cures for major diseases from a number of alternative sources, and got into trouble with the law, thrown in jail, and Ellen was one of his lawyers. It shows how medicine is dictated and done for profit while the patients suffered and died. Jimmy helped people who SCAM couldn’t help.

There are many more books revealing corporate abuse at the highest level. Written down with details, they add up, showing that the big money systems just don’t care about people – we are just collateral damage in their marketing campaigns. The oligarchs and top .01 percent are making fortunes off of dangerous drugs while safe alternatives are suppressed.

When enough information has come out revealing the details of a flawed system such as SCAM, the information and alternative narrative cannot be dismissed as simply the fantasy of disgruntled patients and doctors. Too many doctors have come out about this, so this information has great credibility. I believe we are there now and envision that we are on the cusp of a great change towards a more
humane medicine.

New View Team:

Ellen Brown is an attorney, chair of the Public Banking Institute, and author of thirteen books including Web of Debt, The Public Bank Solution, and Banking on the People: Democratizing Money in the Digital Age. She also co-hosts a radio program on PRN.FM called “It’s Our Money.” Her 300+ blog articles are posted at

Alanna Hartzok is a Tax Shift Projects Admin, twice US Congressional Candidate (Democrat and Green Parties), and author of The Earth Belongs to Everyone (Radical Middle Book Award). She initiated and was instrumental in the passage of tax reform legislation in Pennsylvania. She has given lectures and seminars in 38 countries and is an NGO (Non-Gov) Consultant for United Nations ECOSOC.

Ginger Metraux PhD integrates psychology with mysticism as she seeks a higher consciousness perspective for everyday life as well as for the world. Through her background as musician, artist, psychologist, nutritionist, astrologer, and now channeler, she is focused on creating a pathway to a positive future for herself and others. Find her manifestation/spiritual knowledge on and channeled wisdom available on

Carol Brouillet is co-founder of many non-profit organizations, including the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance, publisher of the Deception and Perception Dollars, hyperactivist for three decades. Her website is

Marilyn Langlois is a member of TRANSCEND, an international network for peaceful conflict transformation, and guest editorialist for TRANSCEND MEDIA SERVICE. A community organizer and international solidarity activist based in Richmond, California, her key interests are reigning in the super-rich and uplifting the poor by shedding light on suppressed truths to counter toxic propaganda that serves the unjust status quo. Her writings can be found at (search on Marilyn Langlois).

Norie Huddle is a coach and consultant and serves as the President of the Center for New National Security ( She is the creator of The Best Game on Earth (, co-founder and owner of the Garden of Paradise in Ecuador (, co-founder and President of Paradise Paulownia International, SA ( Norie is the author of seven books on environmental and national-global security themes. Her book Surviving: The Best Game on Earth (1984) was a NYT bestseller and three other books have been bestsellers. Her book Butterfly has become a popular global meme to describe humanity in transformation.

Diane Perlman PhD is a political psychologist, the US Convener for Transcend International and Editorialist for Transcend Media Service; her,,

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