Dr Kelly Victory: "Diagnosing" vs "Vaccinating Against". Pseudoscience in Action.

5 months ago

The entire pandemic industry is based on pseudoscience which has been highly profitable to a minority and incredibly harmful to most.

The PCR test was once a screening tool, meaning that it provided clues for the presence of potential disease so that more refined clinical diagnostic procedures could then be used to confirm or exclude disease and/or cause of symptoms. In 2020 a single-focus PCR test was sold to the world as a diagnostic. This pseudoscience allowed for the creation of a pseudo-pandemic in which there were many, many "cases" of perfectly healthy people to every unwell "case" who may or may not have been unwell with Covid because Influenza and most other common respiratory viruses simultaneously disappeared. Covid became the only cause of almost all symptomatic respiratory illness, as well as diarrhoea, gunshot wounds, car accidents, heart attacks, cancer, etc. Perfectly healthy people were also "diagnosed" as being diseased.

Such pseudo-epidemics can occur easily with faulty diagnostic procedures, although had never occurred on this scale before. Read about a pseudo-epidemic of Whooping Cough, here:

The PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 has many faults (as do the Rapid Antigen Tests, to a lesser degree). These faults guarantee many false positives, as described by a group of scientists at this review:

Whilst the tests for Covid, which focus on searching for viral segments which can also be found in other Coronavirus strains responsible for the common cold, have never been updated to follow a mutating virus, the vaccines, which similarly focus on specific segments of the virus (namely the spike protein), have to be constantly updated and we are told we must repeatedly receive the latest update. Due to the harms these products cause to the immune system, the more doses a person receives, the higher their risk for becoming infected, sick, hospitalised, admitted to ICU, and dying from the very disease they've been "vaccinated" against. The products are also associated with a range of illness, injury and death due to their attack on cells in multiple organs and systems.

The absurdity of the difference between constantly tweaking the "vaccines" whilst relying on the same "tests" since 2020, is highlighted articulately by Dr Kelly Victory in this brief statement.

VIDEO SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v3zxtld-attorney-general-sues-pfizer-for-misrepresenting-mrna-w-ed-dowd-and-dr-kell.html

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