J6er Micajah Jackson Talks with Gateway Pundit After He Confronts Luke Robinson

2 years ago

J6er Micajah Jackson Talks with Gateway Pundit After He Confronts Luke Robinson -- Luke Was Carrying a Gun, Wearing an Earpiece at Jan. 6 Protest But Was Later Removed from FBI Most-Wanted List for Some Reason

This morning I confronted January 6th #343 Ginger Gun aka "Luke Phillip Robinson."

Link: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/j6er-micajah-jackson-talks-gateway-pundit-confronts-luke-robinson-luke-carrying-gun-wearing-earpiece-jan-6-protest-later-removed-fbi-wanted-list/

Ray Epps was also removed from the FBI's most wanted list. Seems like there is a pattern ...

Tucker Carlson said that the #j6committee is finished investigating #RayEpps despite numerous open questions like: When did Epps testify before the committee? Was the testimony under oath? The committee says Epps did not work for any police organization, local or federal ... but ... was he employed by any federal agency? (J6 won't say).

#Coverup #j6falseflag

Ray Epps - Part 1

Ray Epps - Part 2

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