Beth’s News #17 – The Truth Comes Out

2 years ago

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First of all, we would be remiss if we did not mention that today is the first anniversary of Rush Limbaugh’s death. Rush was a forerunner in conservative talk radio. My 94 year old mother listened to his show daily. My siblings and I all knew not to visit or call her between noon and 3, if you forgot and called her, she would say “can this wait, Rush is on. If you went to visit her you would hear his blaring voice on her kitchen radio. Her kitchen was always spotless.
I did not begin listening to him until Trump, and only then because whenever I would talk to my mom she would say “Rush was saying the same thing” or Did you listen to Rush today you sound just like him? So, I began to listen to him and could understand why she enjoyed his show. Substituting for Rush Limbaugh could catapult someone into their own career, which is exactly what happened to Sean Hannity. Buck Sexton and Clay Travis have taken over his time slot. I enjoy them, but as they themselves had said together they will not even be able to fill his shoes. He always said his talent was a loan from God and when he died someone did a carton with Rush standing at the Pearly gates with a trophy in his hand with the word Talent on it, Here Rush said, I have come to return this.
Rush is an example of someone who used every drop of talent he had to fight the good fight. Thank you Rush for the legacy you left behind, you are sorely missed.

Covid data will not be published over concerns it's misrepresented by anti-vaxxers.

This is a story in the Glasgow Times

They want to stop publishing the vaccine injuries because they do not want the information to be used by anti vaxxers to bolster their argument. My guess is that if the numbers of injuries were low it would not matter. They are not just covering up the truth by not allowing citizens access to the information they are keeping citizens from being able to make informed decisions about whether to get the vax or not.
And in other news of suppressing the truth:
Board of Health Suppresses Father’s Testimony About His Son’s Death Following Pfizer Shot Because It Disclosed Heath Information of Minor “Without Authorization” (VIDEO)
And here we go with the government trying to control the narrative in not allowing a man to talk about his own son’s death.
So, suddenly they are concerned about a minor’s rights? At the same time all over the world children are being given vaccines, medical procedures and guidance of a personal nature without the parents consent.


John Solomon from Just the news has said that the reason Durham has seemed to be so slow in bringing indictments is because Hillary’s law firm and the law firm of Michael Sussman has been fighting the issuance of subpoenas, John expects things to pick up speed and that we will see indictments.
John Solomon also had documents of the spy plan as laid out by the FBI. I want to point something out here:
Michael Sussman went to the FBI, but not just any FBI office, he went to the one on the 7th floor. He presented to them the evidence he had that the Trump campaign was involved with Russia – evidence that we now know was planted by the Hillary campaign itself. He presented this evidence and when asked if he came by himself as a citizen or was he working for someone, he said he was a citizen just doing his duty. And the FBI with all their resources could not do a background check and find out that he worked for the office of Perkins Coe – Hillary’s law firm? You mean to tell me that any nutjob can walk into the FBI with evidence and they will not investigate the person? I think they knew who he was all along.

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