The Ekklesia Project - Episode 56

2 years ago

A freedman of God hosting a journey to discover the lost ekklesia of God.
In this episode, we finish 1 Corinthians 8 by revisiting Matthew 6 to explore the primary command of Christ, i.e., to seek first the kingdom of God. We again confirm, as in numerous prior episodes, the kingdom of God to which Jesus is referring is the ekklesia of God, as shown to us by Paul. We then realize the church system, as a counterfeit of the ekklesia of God, has drastically distorted the chief directive given by Jesus to his disciples. We discuss how this deceitful lie promoted by the church system, as a "doctrine of demons", has severely damaged the conscience of every professed believer, concealing the genuine way of salvation, and seducing the bondservants of Christ to live unholy lives, seeking earthly treasures and pursuing other worldly interests in the same manner as unbelievers.

Observing also that, typically, all professed believers have been baptized under the purview of the deceitful church system, we recognize that such baptisms are illegitimate. Accordingly, upon an analysis of 1 Peter 3:13-22, it would appear appropriate to undergo a proper baptism after confirming the full gospel of the kingdom of God, including Jesus' command to seek first the ekklesia of God, as the image of the glorified kingdom of God on earth.

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