Dr. Peter McCullough - It was a PREMEDITATED plan of SUFFERING, FEAR and DEATH to Promote the JAB!

2 years ago

Short and to the POINT ... ⁣The Governments of the WORLD conspired and CARRIED out a PREMEDITATED plan to KILL people by withholding early TREATMENT for Flu like SICKNESS in order to promote a JAB-o-CIDE agenda of DEATH and NWO CONTROL! And it AIN'T over yet until the Digital PASSPORTS and Digital Financial system are LINKED to your DNA ... as the Demonic Elite March the Masses to the Beast Kingdom.

This is CRIMINAL - 95% of the Hospitalizations could have been avoided by using the EARLY preventative TREATMENTS the Front Line Doctors RECOMMENDED ---> ⁣⁣https://covid19.onedaymd.com/2....021/11/dr-peter-mccu

This interview with ⁣Dr. Peter McCullough took place at the Defeat The Mandates rally in Washington, D.C. on January 23, 2022. Watch the the testimony of many Doctors at the Senator Johnson's COVID panel ---> ⁣https://www.wnd.com/2022/01/wa....tch-sen-johnsons-cov

⁣This TRUTH telling by this PANEL of Doctors is LONG overdue ... but I think instead of this leading to the ARREST of COVID Criminals ... it is going to provide a way of ESCAPE for these COVID Criminas and the Psycopathic Dcotors will say "Sorry, I guess this JAB didn't work but you can TRUST us to get it RIGHT NEXT TIME!".

Hearts on FIRE from the mRNA JAB ---> ⁣https://www.americaoutloud.com..../hearts-on-fire-fuel

Each time the LIES and CRIMINAL activities of the Government and Big Pharma are EXPOSED the Main Scream Media SPINS more LIES and the Government COMMITS more CRIMES to COVER UP the TRUTH! We are in an INFORMATION War about WHAT is TRUE .. but more EXACTLY we are in a Spiritual WAR about the TRUTH.

⁣Ruling Class To The Slaves: “COVID” Is Still “Full of Nasty & Cunning” Surprises ---> ⁣https://beforeitsnews.com/surv....ival/2022/01/ruling-

⁣For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. - Ephesians 6: 12

Big Harma Medicine is a CULT based on the Mythology of Virology and the FALSE Doctrine of the Germ Theory. What we NEED is a RETURN to REAL Medicine that is based on the Terrain Theory ... maintaining a HEALTHY BODY by HEALTHY eating, living and maintaining a HEALTHY Enviroment for the BOD. Unfortunately, most Doctors only want a REFORM of their SCIENCE CULT (Think of Robert Malone like a modern day Matin Luther) ... They still want to prescribe Big Harma DRUGs that SUPRESS Symptoms of Disease instead of finding NATURAL ways to CURE the ROOT cause of the Disease.

This PLAN-DEMIC JAB-o-CIDE agena is NOT going to END until the SCIENCE of Virolgy is EXPOSED as Mythology ... There is NO such thing as a CONTAGION pathogen VIRUS that SPREADs from person to person and there is DEFINITELY Nothing that can be INJECTED into someone to PREVENT them from being SICK ... that is NOT how the BODY works.

The IMMUNE system is part of the LIFE giving SPIRIT from God that SUSTAINS LIFE on planet earth ... man made Toxins SUPPRESS and COMPROMISE the IMMUNE system, they DON'T improve it. Also DNA is only the Database which contains the building blocks of LIFE ... The BLUE Print of LIFE and PROGRAM of LIFE is God. It is VAINITY and STUPIDITY to think you can modify a Database with GARBAGE information and by doing so this will make the PROGRAM execute better.

⁣This Is What They Have Planned & it Should Scare You to Death! ---> ⁣https://beforeitsnews.com/poli....tics/2022/01/cabal-1

⁣====================== The Contagion Myth =========================
=== The TERRAIN is Everything (Bechamp) - The GERM is Nothing (Pasteur) ===

TURNING VIROLOGY & MODERN MEDICINE ON ITS HEAD: DR. ANDREW KAUFMAN W/ BRIAN YOUNG (July 17, 2021) ---> https://truthcomestolight.com/....turning-virology-mod

The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (including "Coronavirus") Are Not the Cause of Disease (Copyright © 2020 by Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell)--- > https://aim4truth.org/wp-conte....nt/uploads/2020/10/T

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History (PDF) ---> https://jeffreydachmd.com/wp-c....ontent/uploads/2014/

THE CONTAGION FAIRY TALE - Book Review (Nov 10, 2020) ---> https://truthcomestolight.com/....the-contagion-fairy-

Why Viruses (including "Coronavirus") Are Not the Cause of Disease. Published Sept. 2020 By Thomas S. Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell. ---> https://mask-covid.info/wp-con....tent/uploads/2020/12

The Debate of Dr. Judy Mikovitz and Dr. Andrew Kaufman - that was CUT OFF (Jan 21, 2021) ---> https://www.weblyf.com/2021/02..../the-debate-of-dr-ju

10 Reasons that SARS-CoV-2 Is an Imaginary and Theoretical Virus (Jan 28, 2021) ---> https://thefreedomarticles.com..../10-reasons-sars-cov

Goodbye Germ Theory (To ERROR is human but to CONTINUE in error is EVIL!) ---> https://ia802306.us.archive.or....g/26/items/goodbye-g

Breaking the Spell - Tom Cowan (The Scientific Evidence for Ending the COVID Delusion) ---> https://truehealingconference.....com/Bonus-Material/c

Béchamp or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology ---> http://mnwelldir.org/docs/hist....ory/biographies/Bech

Can Ten Thousand Lies Hide One Truth? Pasteur vs. Béchamp ---> https://int.artloft.co/can-ten....-thousand-lies-hide-

The Terrain Theory vs. The Germ Theory by Dr Robert Young (Updated: Jun 19, 2020 ---> https://www.drrobertyoung.com/....post/the-terrain-the

Harm, a Powerful Banned Documentary on Fraudulent PCR Tests Instantly Went Viral Before Being Deleted ---> https://beforeitsnews.com/alte....rnative/2022/01/harm

Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” - John 3:3

Watch "The Chosen" - Nicodemus meets Jesus - You Must Be Born Again! ---> https://youtu.be/YgWvBfGsUB4

You must be "born again" Spiritually to ENTER the Kingdom of Heaven, to be the BRIDE OF CHRIST! Salvation is by BIRTH not BEHAVIOR.


For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, - Romans 3:23

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16

The ABCs of Salvation explained by JD Farag --> https://youtu.be/XyNuvJNE3-Q
A - Admit your a sinner (Romans 3:23)
B - Believe Jesus is Lord (John 3:16)
C - Call upon His name (Romans 10:13)

The UDB's of Salvation explained on Rogersings website ---> ⁣http://die2live.worthyofpraise.org/
U – Understand that God is holy and God hates sin because sin has destroyed His world and sin separates you from His love and sin separates you from eternal life with God.
D – Desire to be reconciled to God and saved from the eternal death sentence that you are under because you were born with a Self Indulgent Nature (SIN).
B – Believe that Jesus died, was buried and rose from the grave proving He is the only begotten Son of God who will take away your sin.

⁣Dear Jesus,

I ask You to forgive me of my Self Indulgent Nature (SIN) ... which I was born with ... a NATURE that makes me think I can get through this world without You. I REPENT of my "I did it my way" attitude, which is REBELLION toward You and Your PLAN for me. I ask You to SAVE me from my SIN so I am NO Longer separated from You.

I believe that You, Jesus, are the Son God ... You are God in the FLESH. I believe You died on the cross for me and shed Your blood for me as the PAYMENT for my SIN and I believe that You rose from the grave on the third day to PROVE that EVERYTHING You SAID is TRUE! ⁣I RECEIVE You Jesus into my LIFE through Your HOLY Spirit so I am Spiritually BORN AGAIN. Thank You for saving my soul. Thank You for forgiving all my sins (past, present and future) and thank You for giving me Eternal Life and being IN me, never to FORSAKE me, EVER PRESENT to guide me, discipline me, comfort me and give me JOY! Amen

With your mind you BELIEVE
With your heart you RECEIVE
With your mouth you CONFESS
You're no longer DECEIVED!

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