Why Does Los Gatos, CA, Promote LGBTQ?

2 years ago

LGBTQ is like a Cult because it is a small group of about 4% of the population with very extreme and dangerous beliefs about sex, identity, and behavior which are unacceptable to most religions and most families.

LGBTQ has been connected to Satan through such forces as the school play, "She Kills Monsters," which has the lead lesbian fall in love with Satan's daughter. This play was seen at Leigh High School and Branham High School, both in San Jose, CA.

LGBTQ is also admired and cared about to an extreme amount by our media, schools and government officials, such as gay Assemblyman Evan Low of Campbell and gay Senator Scott Wiener of San Francisco, all of which push the LGBTQ lifestyle on everyone whether or not they like it.

According to the County of Santa Clara, "The socioeconomic outcomes for this community are often far worse than they are for the population at-large. There have been numerous studies illuminating these discrepancies, including Santa Clara County’s December 2013 health assessment “Status of LGBTQ Health: Santa Clara County 2013.” This health assessment concluded that, “… the LGBTQ community experiences substantial health disparities and health inequities. Our assessment found that the LGBTQ community experiences a high level of need for social services..."

Those in the LGBTQ community suffer from poverty, homelessness, school harassment, being members of the justice system, suicide, physical assault, partner abuse, hate crimes, senior difficulties, healthcare difficulties, Mental Health and Substance Use: Nearly half of those who responded in the assessment felt they might have needed professional help in the past 12 months because of mental health or substance use concerns.16

1. As human beings, Californians, and Los Gatans...As parents, grandparents and grandchildren, we must ask ourselves many important questions about the Office of LGBTQ and its influence on our society, culture and future.
2. Why is LGBTQ so important to places such as the small town of Los Gatos, Santa Clara County and the State of California?
3. Who is benefitting from the promotion of the LGBTQ lifestyle?
4. Why is there https://lgbtq.sccgov.org/home an Office of LGBTQ Affairs at the County of Santa Clara?
5. Why is there https://bhsd.sccgov.org/information-resources/lgbtq the County of Santa Clara Behavior Health Services for LGBTQ?
6. Who is paying for the Office of LGBTQ Affairs?
7. Is it right that the majority of the population has to make sacrifices for the minority?
8. What if someone didn't like eating foie gras and made it illegal for everyone to eat it? Would that be right?
9. Why is a minor segment of our population taking over politics and society?
10. Should this be allowed?
11. Why is Los Gatos pushing LGBTQ's views of sex on our children without parental consent?
12. If the LGBTQ lifestyle is so wonderful, why do so many in this community and their families suffer and need such services as provided by the County's Office of LGBTQ Affairs?
13. Why do Evan Low and Scott Wiener promote LGBTQ in their legislation?
14. Do Evan Low and Scott Wiener represent the majority of people or mostly LGBTQ?
15. Why is Los Gatos pushing such a destructive lifestyle on our children through Mayor Marico Sayoc's CASSY, the free mental healthy organization contracted with many schools, and through Critical Race Theory and Diversity Equity and Inclusion, as seen in our schools' curriculum and throughout the streets of Los Gatos?
16. Why does Los Gatos promote LGBTQ which lies to our children about their gender and identity?
17. Why paint the LGBTQ-promoting "rainbow" crosswalk near Los Gatos High School?
18. Why are Los Gatos residents paying for LGBTQ symbols to be displayed in our town?
19. Will Los Gatos have a "Castro District" one day?
20. Why is LGBTQ more important than the family?
21. Why is LGBTQ more important than what is written in the Bible and Quran and other religious books?
22. Why would any parent want to encourage or allow others to encourage their child to identify as a lesbian, gay, bi, trans, etc.?
23. Is it a good idea to confuse our daughters by telling them they can be boys?
24. What if they miss their own personal window of opportunity for child-bearing and regret it?
25. Is it a good idea to emasculate our boys?
26. Is this child abuse and family abuse?
27. Do these lies and behavior make people mentally ill?
28. Do they want us practicing Cognitive Dissonance intentionally?
29. Is this a form of brainwashing?
30. Can you unlearn what is being taught in our schools?
31. If we don't teach our boys to become strong, healthy men of good character, who will protect and defend the women and children when the men of wicked character come after them?
32. Children are expensive and time-consuming. It takes a lot of love and sacrifice to raise children to be upstanding adults.
33. Why have children if they are going to live a life that does not allow for the natural progression of one's family genealogy?
34. For those who believe in abortion, If you knew your children were going to be gay before they were born, would you abort? Is there a test for this?
35. Are there parents who are so happy their children are gay that they are bragging about it?
36. If happiness is being a grandparent, why would parents be happy about their children being gay?
37. Would you want your parents to be of the same sex?
38. Would you prefer that your parents are gay?
39. How does it make you feel when you call a girl by the pronoun "him"?
40. Why are pronouns that are based on lies so important?
41. What if someone doesn't want to know a stranger's sex, gender, or pronoun?
42. Do you think it is a good idea to have penises using the same bathroom or jail cell with vaginas?
43. Why be proud and flamboyant of your sex or gender?
44. Isn't sex supposed to be a private matter?
45. Isn't pride a sin?
46. Is it selfish to want your own family bloodline to continue?
47. Is it selfish to want your own family bloodline to die?
48. Should you care what happens to your family?
49. Life is full of sacrifices for the greater good.
50. What will you sacrifice?

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