Christopher James Exposed In Court As A Reckless Charlatan Playing Games With Other Peoples Lives

2 years ago

Christopher James from A Warrior Calls has become an alternative media "personality" that's been presenting himself as an "Authority" in all things Law.

He spouts constantly that the all you need to do to win your case is ask a couple magic questions.

Do you claim I'm property? And do you claim that we have a contract? Then (according to James) when the prosecutor is forced to say admit that they don't claim that James is property, and they can't produce a contract, it's wham-bam he won the case.

What a total fairy tale

If James was just running his mouth about bullshit on his channel, I wouldn't be making this video. I'd chalk it up as nothing more than another person talking about "Freeman on the Land" legal theories that sound great, but in practice never actually work. As far as I'm concerned, James has the right to be wrong, and if someone is stupid enough to try this stuff in court, well that's on them to do their due diligence and not just trust a talking head on Bitchute.

But that's not what James is doing, he is pulling this crap in real life, with real people who stand to face real consequences when things go horribly wrong.

James tried to portray himself as a Law Counselor in court and was filing claims against government ministers and other big-wigs, but not with his own name on the dotted, if things went horribly wrong, someone else would be stuck paying the very real consequences.

A person who clearly didn't have the wherewithal to stand before the court "Per Se" and speak for themselves, otherwise they wouldn't have needed Christopher James in the first place.

Luckily, Before James had the opportunity to torpedo this person's life, it was he himself that was taken to court by the Law Society of British Columbia.

Christopher James had the opportunity to stand before a judge and test his all his theories in real life. He got on his proverbial soapbox and spouted all the talking points he regurgitates ad nauseam on his podcast. In fact, he talked so much that the opposing attorney ended up apologizing to the judge because James (loving the sound of his own voice so much) went way over the allotted time that James himself had scheduled to present his case.

In the end, the judge ruled against Christopher James, then admonished him for being a charlatan trying to pass himself off as a lawyer and preying on the naive.

So I'm challenging Christopher James, we are in the middle of an active Genocide, and live in a country where the vax-pass is mandatory, and the Tyrants are aggressively targeting kids. If James really knows as much about law as he says he does, why not put his own name on the dotted line and file a claim against these monsters in court. Do some good, and put his money where his mouth is.

There are no shortage of Laws being broken, so here's your chance to be a hero Christopher James, why don't you do it?

I don't believe that he will, because I think that James is only interested in growing his channel

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