Did the Book of Sirach Find the Rivers From Eden?

3 years ago

Narrated by Timothy Jay Schwab. Produced and Research by The God Culture.

About 4 years ago, we posited a theory within our Solomon’s Gold Series. We believed we find the exact fit to Genesis 2 on the Bottom of the Ocean Floor. After 4 years, we stand even further entrenched in this position as it is becoming proven certainly in scripture and even in science. We have covered much on this already such as Dr. Parsons, PhD Sedimentologist from the UK who actually studies the ocean floor who claims if you drained the ocean, you would reveal an ancient River System at the bottom with bends and meanders. He said that, not us. Yet, some say, oh, that’s unscientific. We have shown you National Geographic and NASA’s rendering of the bottom of the ocean floor which again demonstrates exactly that. We covered the Thermahaline circulation or Great Ocean Conveyor Belt which also happens to match the Rivers from Eden.

Most importantly we have shown you Job 28 specifically and unequivocally identifies this ancient river system as well as the Fountains of the Great Deep within on the bottom, at the foot, as they have been brought low, very specifically position where men are shaken or the Mid-Ocean Ridge and Oceanic Trench System where over 80% of all volcanic activity on all of earth takes place. We showed you the Dead Sea Scrolls which say the Rivers from Eden water the roots of the Abysses or ocean deep. We showed you 2 Esdras records the Pre-Flood world was only 15% water thus the ancient Rivers from Eden can be no place else but on the bottom of the Newly formed World Ocean. Of course, we still get ridiculed but what we don’t get, is disprove and that should nag at many. Now, we have another reference we have completely studied out that we believe can be added to this list. It comes from the Book of Sirach or another title as Ecclesiasticus 24.

Now I know immediately, they shout us down as usual, why that’s Apocrypha, a useless term of no meaning as who really cares what the Pharisees ever called scripture. They are impertinent usurpers of the Temple. It was the Temple Priest they exiled to Qumran who kept scripture and guess what, they kept Sirach as scripture as well. It was Canon from the only group qualified and ordained to say so. What scholar did you just listen to? They are not. Now, this is amazing. Check this out.

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3. The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar

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