3 years ago

We travel into a creepy and scary cave and ended up in a maze where we meet creepily people and friendly monsters or is it the other way around. Watch what happened, did we find our way out?

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Locations are the different places located throughout the map of the maze.
1. There is also a dungeonous area behind a set of wooden barricades. If you explore to the right you can find a throwing axe used to stun enemies.
2. RV - This RV is found at the spawn point. There you will recieve a flashlight and camera, which is nessesary for surviving in The Maze, as you'll need to find other players and see monsters.
3. Stone Structure - a Stone structure can be found somewhere on the opposite side of the van door, it contains the White Object?
4. Piano - A piano can be found near a river on the surface which you can use the White Object? to reveal a message which says "Perhaps now is not the time, but do not fear! Come back another day, and something might be here..."
5. A graveyard. The graveyard doesn't have anything as far as you can see, besides graves

There are currently 4 different monsters in the game. Their objective is to kill you.
1. The Cajoler
(Common) A short, white-faced monster. The Cajoler is a monster that has the head of the white circle with black eyes, along with a black body. When seen, or in close contact, it wields two gigantic tentacles that kill the player by screaming at it. When you get killed, its face will change.
2, The Orotund
(Common) A black, skeleton monster. Commonly referred to as "The Pole", this monster is the Orotund. It is a long-spined like creature that attacks when seen. The Orotund doesn’t wield anything, however, uses its long arms to kill the player. Far away, the loud ’gong sound’ is the sound of its movement.. It is black and has 2 white eyes, and emits a red glow near it. If you step inside of the red glow that it emits in front of it, it will chase you down and kill you. It is advised if you see the haze around a corner, that you run straight away from it. It may sometimes drag a skeleton behind it.
3, Invaser
'(Very rare) An invisible monster. This monster is called the Invaser (In-vay-ser), and as the name implies, this monster is invisible, making it extremely hard for you to escape it. This monster is only visible whenever it spots you. Whenever you hear a 'ghouly sound', know that you may encounter this invisible monster(Insert screamer).
4. The Gryojert
(Extremely Rare) A rock-coloured monster. This monster is called the Gryojer and has a gray rocky appearance that blends into the rocky walls of the cave. It is slow and drawn to flashlights and cameras, and is small enough to fit in the tunnels of the cave. Once it spots you, it will create a low grinding sound. When it catches you, it will open its mouth to reveal razor-sharp teeth, which it uses to bite into you and kill you(Insert picture here too).

Items are interact-able objects in the game that you are able to pick up and use. There are currently 7 items in the game..( More information in their respective pages ) They are:
-Flashlight Provides a consistent and reliable source of light for the player, although the light is dimmer compared to the camera.
-Camera Provides a quick, bright flash of light along with a clicking sound. The clicking sound can be used to locate other players in the Maze.
-Rock Used to break open the wooden beams to acquire the axe.
-Axe Can be thrown at monsters to stun them temporarily.
-Phone Previously served a purpose of getting people into a password locked room, but it no longer has a purpose.
-White Object Can be used on the piano to provide a secret message.
-Battery Found throughout the maze, used to fully recharge the flashlight.

1, Once the axe has been thrown to the monster, run away as quick as you can before you get chased. The Orotund is the tricky part as you must be extremely quick.
2. As much as many do (DON’T TRY THIS), run towards the Cajoler or Orotund and throw the axe at it to give special time to run away from them.
3. Keep the camera in case your flashlight runs out of batteries, running out of batteries in the darkness can be prevented with adequate planning.

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