Six-Eyed Sand Spider Burying Itself

19 days ago

Six-Eyed Sand Spider Burying Itself

Hexophthalma hahni (synonyms Sicarius hahni and Sicarius testaceus), known along with other members of the genus as the six-eyed sand spider, is a member of the family Sicariidae, found in deserts and other sandy places in southern Africa. Due to their flattened stance and laterigrade legs, they are also sometimes known as six-eyed crab spiders. Its specific name honours Carl Wilhelm Hahn

the six eyed sand spider is one of the deadliest spiders in the world it can cause severe bleeding or even death.

The perfection of a sand spider’s ability to hide itself so completely is one of the most remarkable, and ingenious, examples of nature at work that we’ve heard of—offering the lowly sand spider both protection from predators and the ability to sneak up on her own prey almost completely undetected. Of course, she’s helped out quite a bit not just by her superior hiding skills, but also by the way her natural coloring blends so flawlessly with the color of the sand she’s hiding in. Don’t be fooled by this tiny, six eyed spider’s diminutive size, however! Although sand spiders are very shy (as is clearly demonstrated in this video), we’re told that they’re not only venomous, but among the most venomous of all spiders.

Fortunately for both us and the spider, however, sand spiders rarely come into contact with humans—and, when they do, they almost never bite. Which makes a video like this, with such up close and personal footage of a sand spider in action, as rare as it is fascinating. Some people are intrigued by spiders, but even if you’re not one of them, we think you’ll enjoy checking this video out. It’s not often that one finds such great footage of a creature so rarely seen by the human eye. So you should definitely hit the Play button now, and maybe even consider forwarding this along to anyone you know who’s interested in spiders—or in disguises and camouflage, or anyone who just enjoys watching the miracles of nature in action!

The world’s 40,000-plus spider species come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. But here are a few common characteristics to help you distinguish spiders from other insects:

All spiders have eight legs and six to eight eyes.

A Spider has two body regions: the cephalothorax and the abdomen.

Male spiders are normally smaller and have different color markings than females.

There are far too many spider species to list, but here are some of the more common types of spiders you may encounter.


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