(Ep.101) Biden allows illegals to control the country's future, as another Trump steps into politics

23 days ago

The Republican Attorney General of Ohio is defending his stance amidst criticism, explaining that protestors wearing masks and expressing anti-Israel sentiments could potentially face fines and imprisonment under a lesser-known state statute.

A Denver group of illegal immigrants is refusing to leave their encampments, until a list of their demands are met by the city.

Cartels are enticing American teenagers through social media to smuggle illegal aliens, leading the teens into situations they don't understand with no means of escape.

Also, House Dems unanimously voted to grant representation in Congress and the Electoral College to illegal immigrants. Seats and votes will be allocated based on areas with the highest number of illegal immigrants, including those under the Biden administration

Dennis Michael Lynch spearheads a podcast covering these stories with his son, Denny.

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