NO STOPPING HIM: Netanyahu is now committed to the unthinkable.

25 days ago

NO STOPPING HIM: Netanyahu is now committed to the unthinkable.
53.2K subscribers

6,062 views May 7, 2024 UNITED KINGDOM
Benjamin Netanyahu last night moved into Rafah, the last refuge of 1.6 Gazans. What happens next was so preventable.
Right, so there was definitely a feeling of unease last night here at UK time as it looked liked after months of threats and amid a ceasefire deal that had suddenly gone sideways for Benjamin Netanyahu, he was ordering the IDF into Rafah, the last refuge of the Gazan people pretty much as 1.6m of them are trapped there, kettled is the term, cornered with nowhere to go, half of the people shielding there with no more than tents for protection, now being bombed, despite Hamas having literally agreed to release hostages as part of that same ceasefire deal that Netanyahu now doesn’t like. The scale of death and destruction that could now be meted out in a very short space of time, for no other reason that for Netanyahu to keep his grip on power, would be unparalleled to anything we’ve witnessed since October 7th and this is so appallingly preventable. Our leaders in our countries, our nations could have intervened long before now. Instead they chose to be on his side. If as feared Netanyahu does the unthinkable now in Rafah, this crime will be on them too, for standing aside, for casting a blind eye, for continuing to aid and supply that regime as they have with arms and military aid. Israel is a pariah state, an apartheid state, a rogue state and anyone still supporting them in a position of power, needs to end up in the Hague with them should the worst now come to pass.
Right, so going to bed last night, with scenes of tanks and explosions already happening on the outskirts of Rafah, there was a genuine fear as to what I thought I might be waking up to this morning, and already it is scenes of absolute horror, but it’s also something that sad much as we’ve been dreading it, we’ve been expecting it too. Despite the devastation north to south in the Gaza Strip that has gone on since October 7th, at no point has there been a concerted global pushback frowm world leaders to condemn Israel for what it is doing. There have been pockets of it, South Africa, Nicaragua a few others who have actually sought to uphold international humanitarian law, while other signatories to it, have ignored it, seeking instead, to carry on their support, for the racist, colonialist project in the Middle East called Israel, who can do whatever clearly, obviously by their actions, and suffer no real consequences. It is no wonder they act like spoilt children anytime somebody chooses to criticise them for what they are doing. They have committed mass acts of genocide and still claim they are the victims, I truly am sickened by the attitudes of many of them, not least their mad government and their power tripping prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
It takes a special kind of deranged to start bombing a community of 1.6m people, most of which are living in tents, but you’re in a whole new class of your own, when you’re negotiating for a ceasefire at the same time.

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Hi, I'm Damien Willey. I'm a former welder, but now I'm a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on / socialisttelly )
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