26 days ago

From Juan:
Hey Friend,
Over the last few days, there have been stunning revelations of vote interference by foreign nationals operating from Serbia, Venezuela and even Cuba during the 2020 Election. The reveals expanded further today when Pablo Escobar's son told how his father was offered assistance from Venezuela with the Smartmatic Vote System in order to give him the Presidency of Columbia. Smartmatic is the original core to the electronic vote systems being used currently in America and around the world. I'm very comfortable predicting that the U.S. public will be flabbergasted when they learn just how deep the collusion is between our 'Deep State" and their foreign counterparts, especially from communist countries. I predict that high level--the highest level--officers, employees and contractors of U.S. intelligence agencies (the three letter ones) will be found to have worked hand in hand with foreign spy and espionage rings not just to overturn foreign elections but that those tools and personnel are now being turned against the American people. The revelations will be like the Hunter Biden laptop, at first they will say that it is a classic disinformation campaign but, the more one digs, the slimier it gets! Eventually, the proof will be absolutely undeniable. I think most Americans will have a hard time believing that fellow citizens could actually be this treasonous... stay tuned!

In the meantime, the scripture says "A wiseman see's trouble and gets out of the way" Sounds pretty simple, right? Not really. With all the information from so many different directions, most people become 'deer in the headlights'. It's easy to get locked into a 'normalcy bias' because things change, but then again, not so much. People expect the water to turn on, the lights to work, the gas station to pump gas, and the world to go on. Unfortunately, that's not always the case. During most of the big crises in American history, for most people, they are more accurately described as crises of convenience. What's coming soon is something different.
My personal greatest concern is in the banking and currency markets. I could get into the minutia, but I don't want to lose you with all the details. This is actually the intent of the magicians behind-the-scenes controlling these markets. My short answer/reply to you: Every situation is very unique and different, be careful not to rely merely on the latest flavor of a financial guru or prophet. Only God Himself knows exactly what is ahead and your place in the coming events, He is Faithful, if you ask Him sincerely, He will match your sincerity! God is as serious as you are. Ask God about your place and how to make the correct moves or adjustments ahead of what is coming. Remember, nothing will stop what is coming. Don't be a deer in the headlights, get Heavenly insights and direction. Then act accordingly.

Isn't it amazing how every time the Deep State actors throw more BULLSHIT at Our Magador In Chief, his popularity rises even higher? Everyday we meet people that are turning away from the Deep State Bullies and their BULLSHIT and picking a new lane. It's becoming clearer by the day that President Trump was speaking the truth when he said ..."THEY aren't just coming for me, THEY are coming for YOU!!! I'M JUST IN THE WAY!!!"

The road ahead has a lot of twists and turns, but we are on the winning team and you are all in my prayers everyday. I know that God is not finished with us yet and those that are hidden in Him will come through the dramas ahead stronger than ever. In the meantime, you can let folks know who's side you're on and have some fun with these unique and high quality 'Red Pill' conversation starters.
Here are the options on our silver coins I have put together before the prices increase.


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