S4E74 | Brian Vukadinovich - Rogues in Black Robes: Acclaimed Pro Se Exposes Judicial Corruption

23 days ago

Today I’m honored to introduce you to: Judicial Corruption and Court Reform victim and advocate, writer and author, content creator, retired teacher, basketball coach, and a man who is single-handedly - and successfully - taking on the court system, Brian Vukadinovich.

I met Brian recently on Twitter and when I saw his body of work and what he was advocating for, I knew we had to bring him on the podcast to corroborate what countless guests have shared about the court system being corrupt as well as functioning as a child trafficking racket. Like many advocates, Brian’s passion for bringing awareness to the corruption within the court system began with a personal experience gone wrong and the integrity to want to make it right.

Brian is a retired teacher and basketball coach in Indiana and has served as executive director of The Posner Center of Justice for Pro Se's based in Chicago, Illinois for retired federal court of appeals judge Richard A. Posner. He has successfully represented himself in state and federal court proceedings in Indiana including winning a federal jury verdict against his former public school corporation employer in Indiana in March 2016 for violating his due process rights in a five-day trial where he represented himself against the corporation's team of lawyers.

He has received national acclaim for his self-representation ability. According to Speakerpedia Brian is considered to be the leading pro se litigant in the country as he is believed to be the only person to have ever won a federal civil rights jury trial by representing himself without a lawyer. According to Speakerpedia Brian is considered to be the foremost expert in the country in the art of pro se litigation – the ability to represent oneself – and has spoken on the topic in several different forums and interviews including speaking to a Yale Law School class about how he was able to successfully represent himself and win the federal civil rights jury trial against his former public school corporation employer.

Brian’s testimony and the information he shares is vitally important because - as we’ve heard many times on this podcast - court proceedings can go terribly wrong when an optimistic and innocent person or parent blindly allows the court system and their lawyer to take charge of their case. In a world where TV and movies naively bring us to believe that the court system exists to bring ‘justice for all’, the truth is that nothing could be further than the truth. What this podcast has not only discovered - but proven through the power of corroborating testimony - is that the court system is a business first and foremost that makes it’s money off innocent adults and children who become a commodity as soon as they walk into the courtroom. From trafficking children to abusive parents to wrongfully accusing the innocent of being guilty, the court actually exists to generate money off the highest bidder. And the highest bidder is typically the parent or person who is willing to go broke fighting for what is right and who naively takes the bait of believing they will achieve so-called ‘justice’ if they just give one more dollar to the cause.

Brian has written two highly acclaimed books on this topic, “Motion for Justice: I Rest My Case”, and “Rogues in Black Robes” after he discovered from personal experience how corrupted the court is as well as having success in getting around the red tape of lawyers and judges by representing himself. We all have so much to learn from Brian and his heroic story of never giving up and never giving in I pray can give you all hope on the other side of the screen who are currently or may in the future face similar circumstances. These incidents can happen to anyone and our greatest weapon against this darkness is to empower ourselves with knowledge on how the court system operates as well as what to be aware of before we even step foot inside. I ask that you all give Brian your full attention as we are all going to learn so much value today from a man determined to expose the rogues in black robes for who and what they are so that we can come together and reclaim innocence in both sentencing and with our precious children.

Purchase 'Rogues in Black Robes' Book: https://a.co/d/gGyzbAi
Purchase: 'I Rest My Case' Book: https://a.co/d/2Su80lx
Website: https://www.brianvukadinovich.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/motion4justice
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brian.vukadinovich.7

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EMAIL: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.com
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