Ultimate Guide To Anti-Fertility Ivermectin Genocide: 14 Studies Showing It Wrecks Fertility --- Now All The Psy-Ops Make Total Sense - And Many Prominent Anti-Vaxxers Are Guilty In Helping Perpetrate Genocide

29 days ago

Plummeting # of Pregnancies & Offspring In Ivermectin Rabbit Study
In a study called ‘Adverse effects of repeated doses of Ivermectin alone or with the combination of vitamin C on reproductive system of female rabbits’ by Jawad et al, researchers tested different amounts of Ivermectin and Vitamin C on rabbits and measured the number of offspring they beget.

“The results of fertility study revealed adverse effect of ivermectin therapy on fertility and block the pregnancy in all treated group except the fifth group which administered vitamin C only as compared with control group... In conclusion: Ivermectin has adverse effects on reproductive efficacy on female rabbits”

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