California hospital replaced nurses who resisted toxic protocols with nurses who followed orders

1 month ago

MAR 29, 2024. Nurses who refused to be illegally coerced into the clot shots were and often are either bullied or fired. This is especially the case for those who stood up for patient welfare by complaining that effective and unharmful protocols were not being administered (e.g. more vitamins) while highly lucrative medically ineffective and toxic protocols (e.g. remdesivir) were being administered.

One hospital replaced nurses who interfered with the hospital’s goal of ‘profits over patients’ with unvaxxed traveling nurses who did exactly as they were told (at the cost of patient’s health/life). These traveling nurses were paid three times as much as normal nurses as reward for placing hospital profitability first.

This makes it clear that vaxx mandates were not medically motivated, but financially motivated.


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